Nov 20 2023 28 mins
Episode 150:
This week we’re continuing with:
The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism
Written for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna Nguyen
You can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:
[Part 1 - 5]
Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism
[Part 6 - 10]
Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism
Chapter 1: Dialectical Materialism
[Part 11 - 14]
Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics
I. Dialectics and Materialist Dialectics
II. Basic Principles of Marxist Dialectics
III. Basic Pairs of Categories of Materialist Dialectics
1. Private and Common
[Part 15 - This Week]
Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics
III. Basic Pairs of Categories of Materialist Dialectics
2. Reason and Result - 0:39
a. Categories of Reason and Result - 0:39
Annotation 136: 1:17 - 4:51
b. Dialectical Relationship Between Reason and Result - 4:53
Annotation 137: 5:51 - 10:12
Annotation 138: 10:19 - 10:46
Annotation 139: 10:55 - 12:01
Annotation 140: 12:56 - 13:34
c. Meaning of the Methodology - 13:34
Annotation 141: 14:02 - 14:26
Annotation 142: 15:07 - 17:02
3. Obviousness and Randomness - 17:03
a. Categories of Obviousness and Randomness - 17:03
Annotation 143: 17:12 - 17:58
Annotation 144: 18:16 - 18:59
Annotation 145: 19:21 - 20:03
b. Dialectical Relationship Between Obviousness and Randomness - 20:05
Annotation 146: 20:20 - 20:36
Annotation 147: 20:54 - 23:07
Annotation 148: 23:46 - 24:41
c. Meaning of the Methodology - 24:42
Annotation 149: 25:25 - 26:48
[Part 16 - 25?]
Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics
[Part 26 - 30?]
Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism
Figure 1 - 1:56
Metaphysical vs. Materialist Dialectical conceptions of development.
Figure 2 - 2:39
Metaphysical vs. Materialist Dialectical conceptions of frying and eating an egg.
Figure 3 - 6:17
Direct Reasons stem from immediate relations.
Figure 4 - 6:45
Indirect Reasons have an intervening relationship between the Reason and the Result.
Figure 5 - 7:50
Internal Reasons stem from internal relationships.
Figure 6 - 8:14
External Reasons stem from external relations.
2) 12:55
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Friedrich Engels, 1880.
3) 23:25
Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, Friedrich Engels, 1886.