Dec 04 2023 30 mins
Episode 151:
This week we’re continuing with:
The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism
Written for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna Nguyen
You can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:
[Part 1 - 5]
Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism
[Part 6 - 10]
Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism
Chapter 1: Dialectical Materialism
[Part 11 - 15]
Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics
I. Dialectics and Materialist Dialectics
II. Basic Principles of Marxist Dialectics
III. Basic Pairs of Categories of Materialist Dialectics
1. Private and Common
2. Reason and Result
3. Obviousness and Randomness
[Part 16 - This Week]
Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics
III. Basic Pairs of Categories of Materialist Dialectics
4. Content and Form - 00:24
a. Categories of Content and Form - 00:24
Annotation 150: 0:57 - 17:50
b. Dialectical Relationship Between Content and Form - 17:52
Annotation 151: 18:26 - 19:21
Annotation 152: 19:39 - 22:25
Annotation 153: 22:47 - 25:09
c. Meaning of the Methodology - 25:10
Annotation 154: 26:02 - 29:04
[Part 17 - 25?]
Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics
[Part 26 - 30?]
Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism
Figure 1 - 3:51
A material object can be described in terms of content, inner form, and outer form.
Figure 2 - 11:36
Figure 3 - 20:30
Quantity changes in Content lead to quality shifts in Form.
4) 3:26
See Annotation 10 and Annotation 108.