We leap back in time to the Mega Drive to talk about two action classics back when action games meant jumping and avoiding and not perfect parries. Not exactly divisive that we enjoy these types of games, but the generational split is very real as we talk about these two classics of game. Join us, for a walk down memory lane (Sega edition).
Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call home that they should check us out. See you next month!
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Things Discussed: Roboquest, NiER: Reincarnation, Final Fantasy XVI: The Rising Tide, Needy Streamer Overload, Blazing Lazers, Felvidek, Binding of Isaac, Dynamite Headdy, Ristar, Gunstar Heroes, Beyond Oasis, Zelda, Angry Video Game Nerd
Next Month’s Game Club: Myst III: Exile
Music this Episode
Opening Theme by Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yasuko, et al
You're Izayoi by Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yasuko, et al
Indication by Yuzo Koshiro
Ending by Yuzo Koshiro
(00:00:00) - Segment 1: Games Played
(00:33:30) - Segment 2: Dynamite Headdy and Beyond Oasis
(01:32:10) - Segment 3: Questions