May 06 2024 34 mins
Episode 158:
This week we’re finishing:
The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism
Written for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna Nguyen
You can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:
[Part 1 - 5]
Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism
[Part 6 - 10]
Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism
Chapter 1: Dialectical Materialism
[Part 11 - 20]
Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics
[Part 21 - 22]
Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism
[Part 23 - This Week]
Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism
2. Dialectical Path of Consciousness to Truth
b. Truth, and the Relationship Between Truth and Reality - 0:41
Annotation 232: 2:19 - 3:36
Annotation 233: 4:39 - 6:04
Annotation 234: 7:02 - 10:25
Annotation 235: 10:55 - 16:55
Annotation 236: 18:04 - 20:16
Annotation 237: 20:32 - 22:37
Annotation 238: 24:38 - 24:52
Annotation 239: 26:04 - 32:48
[Part 23]
Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism
Figure 1 - 26:07
Truth and Practical Activities have a dialectical relationship in which truth develops through practice, and practice develops through the correct application of truth.
Figure 2 - 27:17
Truth and practical activities mutually develop one another over time.
3) 2:16
Conspectus of Hegel’s Science of Logic, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1914.
4) 17:35
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1908.
5) 23:56
Once Again On The Trade Unions, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1921.