Aug 29 2018 41 mins 1
Wherein universes collide, as they ALWAYS seem to do; steampunk is, for once, NOT defined; and Bluestocking learns that she is not yet ready for London primetime
Show Notes
The Presenters:
Eilís Phillips - @EilisPhillips
William Sutton - @WilliamGeorgeQ
Jenevieve Van-Veda - @VanVeda
Helena Esser - @esserhelena
Kurian T. Peters - @skuldugger
Claire Nally - @tinyhippo1979
Karl Bell - @drkarlbell
Yomi Ayeni - @yoms
Clockwork Watch
Books Mentioned:
William Sutton - Lawless and the Devil of Euston Square: Lawless 1
Claire Nally - Steampunk: Gender, Subculture and the Neo-Victorian
Arjun Raj Gaind - Empire of Blood Issue 01
Katie MacAllister - Steamed
Gail Carriger - Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate)
That Fucking Hill:
Steep Hill
Gorilla Knitting:
Yarn Bombing
German Steampunk:
Steampunk Jahrmarkt 2017
Steampunk Jahrmarkt 2018
Library Boosters:
Mahometan and Celestial
Episode Music courtesy of FreeMusicArchive.Org:
Intro and Wrap - There's A Hole At The End Of Tunnel by The Black Hakawati
Credits- the lincolnshire poacher mi5 by The Conet Project
Contact Us!
Twitter: @spdhpod
The Steampunk Dollhouse is a Wind-Up Girl Studios Production. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International license. It is written and produced by Elizabeth Headrick.
[steampunk, steampunk novels, steampunk literature, steampunk librarian, steampunk lifestyle, post-apocalypse, steampunk survival guide, steampunk music]