Living on Purpose - Philippians 1:12-26

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Jan 12 2025

Living on Purpose
Philippians 1:12-26

Message Slides

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

To Live is Christ

   -  Live to advance the Gospel…not myself.

   - Live for the progress and joy of others.

To Die is Gain

   - Death means being with Christ for those who are in Christ.

   - Death can be faced confidently for those who are in Christ.

Home Church Questions

1. In Philippians 1:21, we discover Paul’s purpose in life: “to live is Christ.”  Most people don’t seem to live with this purpose.  What are some examples of other purposes for which people live? 


2. “To live is Christ” means I live to advance the Gospel . . . not myself (1:12-18).  Paul views his current situation as an opportunity to advance the Gospel, even though he is imprisoned.  What are some practical next steps you can take to advance the Gospel where God has placed you? 


3. All people are longing for meaning and purpose.  Why is this?  How would you explain to someone that “to live is Christ” is the purpose that will truly bring satisfaction and joy?


4. “To live is Christ” means I live for the progress and joy of others (1:25-26).  I experience joy by working for the progress and joy of others.  This teaching is counter-intuitive, but we see it throughout the Bible.  Why is joy found through working for the joy of others?  Have you experienced this?  What next steps can you take this week to work for the progress and joy of someone else?    


5. Paul says, “to die is gain” (1:21).  He is not afraid to think about death and talk about death.  Do we think and talk about death a healthy amount and in a healthy way?  Why or why not? 


6. Paul says “to die is gain” because death means being with Christ for those who are in Christ.  We often emphasize that death means escaping the pains of this world.  And we often emphasize death means enjoying the benefits of heaven.  But we don’t often emphasize that death means being with Christ.  Why should this be what we emphasize?  What does it look like to emphasize this?


7. Paul says “to die is gain” because death can be faced confidently for those who are in Christ.  We see Paul’s confidence in vv.18-20.  What are some reasons we can be confident in the face of death? 


8. Are there any conversations you need to have with someone as you think about death?  Is there someone in your life who is not confident about facing death?  Do you need to have a conversation with someone so that you can become confident about facing death? 

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Fellowship 201  - Core Doctrines of Fellowship
Fellowship 201 is designed for anyone who has gone through Fellowship 101 in the last year and wants a deeper understanding of our beliefs. Together, we will go through core Christian teachings and how they apply to our daily lives. Join us on January 19 and 26  Register at

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Fellowship Women’s Bible Study

“Gideon” by Priscilla Shirer, led by Susan Woole, will be Mondays, January 27-March 17, 9:30-11:00 a.m. here at Fellowship.  Please purchase your workbook ahead of the class.  For more information, contact Susan Woole at 501-269-2666.  Child care is available by texting Shanna at 501-336-0332.

2025 Night of Worship
Every year, at our night of worship, the room is set up in a circle, with the band on the floor alongside the crowd. This intimate environment provides a meaningful way to begin each year together. Join us in the auditorium on January 26th at 6 p.m. Celebrate Jesus as we sing praises, read scripture, and spend time in prayer. Childcare is available for children 6 years and younger, text Shanna Franklin at (501) 336-0332.

Getting Equipped at Fellowship
Fellowship, below are some great classes to get equipped in the New Year.  For more information and to register go to
•  Discover YOU - January 12- February 23
•  How to Study the Bible - February 2 - February 16
•  Eschatology - February 8
•  Apologetics for Everyone - February 9 - March 2

Fellowship Father/Daughter Dance
Dads, this is your chance to create memories with your daughter that will last a lifetime! Join us Saturday, February 1st, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, 5th-12 grades, at Renewal Ranch. Start the evening with a special dinner out, then join us at Renewal Ranch for a delightful night of ballroom dancing, fun, and laughter.  Register at

Conway Mobile Pack - January 16-18
Grab your Home Church, family, and friends, and spend time making a difference while wearing a stylish hairnet. Slots are available to pack meals that will be sent to people in need of food worldwide. Go to to find your time slot(s).