Feb 23 2025
The Surpassing Worth
Philippians 3:1-11
For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.
Knowing Christ means I have a new identity (vv.1-6)
Knowing Christ means I have new values (vv.7-11)
Justification - Righteousness (v.9)
Sanctification - Power (v.10)
Glorification - Hope (v.11)
Home Church Questions
1. Our passage is about knowing Christ. How would you explain to someone what it means to know Christ? What are some ways knowing Jesus is similar/different from other relationships we have?
2. In Phil 3:1-6, we learn that knowing Christ means we have a new identity. How should a person’s identity change when he/she comes to know Christ? What are some ways a person’s identity might stay the same? What has this looked like for you?
3. In vv.5-6, Paul gives a list of reasons why he would have more reason for confidence in the flesh than others. If you were to have confidence in the flesh, what are some items that would be on your list? Do you wrestle with putting too much confidence in the flesh? Explain.
4. In Phil 3:7-11, we learn that knowing Christ means we have new values. In vv.7-8, he says the things he used to consider as gain he now considers as loss. What are some of the “gains” in your life that you consider to be valuable? Are there any “gains” in your life you should re-evaluate so that you value them in a healthier way?
5. Paul says he considers everything as loss compared with the surpassing value of knowing Christ (v.8). What does he mean and how can he say this? Can you say this?
6. Jesus has surpassing worth because we can be justified and made right with God through Him (v.9). Was there a time in your life when you were moved by this truth that God provides the righteousness He demands?
7. Jesus has surpassing worth because we can experience the power of his resurrection even in our sufferings (v.10). How can we identify with Jesus when we suffer so we experience this power? Have you experienced this?
8. Jesus has surpassing worth because we experience the hope of future resurrection through Him (v.11). Why does having this hope of future glorification motivate us to value Jesus now?
Pray for the Unreached: The Ansari are a Sunni Muslim group in India, historically weavers and textile sellers, now involved in various businesses. Many live in poverty and face illiteracy, though some have contributed to education and politics. Known for their hospitality, they offer opportunities for believers to share the gospel. Recent efforts have seen some Ansari families come to Christ, but they remain largely unreached. Pray for Indian believers to reach out with love and share the gospel with Ansari families and leaders, revealing to them the love and hope only offered through Christ.
Weekly Budget 35,297
Giving For 02/09 36,524
Giving For 02/16 19,506
YTD Budget 1,164,806
Giving 1,152,806
OVER/(UNDER) (12,000)
Men’s Muster 2025
A car out of alignment is harder to steer, wears down faster, and wastes fuel. Ever feel the same? Worn down. Burning energy. Pulled off course. It’s time to realign.
Join us April 25-27 for Men’s Muster at our NEW location—Ferncliff Camp & Conference Center in Little Rock (45 min from Conway). Take a weekend to rest, recharge, connect, and have fun. Chris Moore will lead a powerful discussion on realigning your life with the gospel. Don’t wait—register today at fellowshipconway.org/register.
New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning. If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you. Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.
Silent Auction | April 6th
Youth and College Mission Teams will host a Silent Auction on Sunday, April 6th, at 4 PM. We are asking for you to participate in one of three ways. First, do you have a service, item, or experience you can donate to be auctioned off? We would love to have it. Second, we would love for you to show up and support the students and adults on the trip. Finally, if you cannot make it, please consider donating to the event. To donate an item or for any questions, please get in touch with our College Pastor, Andrew Stauffer at [email protected].
PJ’s and Poptarts - Sunday, March 9
It is that time of year again! We are springing forward AND losing an hour of sleep. Don’t worry about getting your kids dressed or feeding them breakfast. You bring them in their pajamas, and we will provide the pop-tarts. We will be waiting for all of your sleepy heads!
Prayer During Service
We love to pray for one another. Our prayer team will have people at the front of the Auditorium under the signs Hope and Love to pray for you after the message. Please feel free to walk up to them for prayer or encouragement during the first worship song after the message
Daylight Saving Time
Fellowship, we are going to “Spring Forward” on Sunday, March 9. Remember to set your clocks Saturday night and join us for services at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. We will have the coffee ready for you!