Pressing On and Holding Ground - Philippians 3:12-16

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Mar 02 2025

Pressing On and Holding Ground
(Philippians 3:12-16)

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

Message Slides

Standing Firm without Standing Still- Swindoll

Hanging Tough and Looking Up - Swindoll

The Objective-Christ - George Guthrie

Introduction: Worthy of the gospel, standing firm in one spirit (1:27)

Pressing Onward

Never stop striving to know Christ more deeply.


  • A  Long Obedience in the Same Direction

You have not arrived! (3:12-13a)

  • A Clear Vision of the Ultimate Prize

Knowing Christ and Living for Him is Priority #1 (3:13b-14)

Holding Ground
Keep your attitude focused and your standards high.


  • “I’ll pray about that and study the Word of God.”

Maturity leads to clarity of purpose (3:15).

  • Practice Your Position

You are a child of God—live like it (3:16).

The surpassing worth of knowing Christ
compels us to strive forward and stand  our ground
in order to share communion with Christ.

Practice your Position
Live in a manner worthy of the calling
with which you have received.

Ephesians  4:1 (NIV)

Keep living by that same standard to which we have attained.

Philippians 3:16 (NASB)

Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin,

but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Romans 6:11

Home Church Questions

  • Read Philippians 3:12-16. Is there an immediate insight or application you would like to share from the passage or the message?

  • One author described these verses as Paul’s “divine dissatisfaction.” What would be some indications of “divine dissatisfaction” in one’s life? Alternatively, what would be some indications of spiritual complacency?

  • Have you ever been (or are you now) at a stalemate in your spiritual growth? What factors brought about that stalemate?

  • Why is it important for you to “forget what lies behind” (verse 13)? What successes, failures, or experiences from the past are hindering you from “straining forward” to knowing and serving Christ in the future?

  • While we are unavoidably caught up in daily life, how can we maintain a focus on “the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (verse 14 ESV)?

  • Paul declared that “pressing on” is the mark of your continued process toward spiritual maturity (verse 15). In 2:12-13, Paul related that “God is at work in you” for his good purposes. What does it mean for you to “press on” to cooperate with what God is currently doing in your life?

  • What area of your life do you need to expend more energy to pursue knowing and serving Christ?

Pray for the Unreached: The Polivka family
Pray for Tomáš as he seeks direction for a new job. Pray that the family feels God’s peace as they seek His guidance and that they see how God is using this to fulfill His purpose.


Weekly Budget      35,297
Giving For 02/16    19,501
Giving For 02/23    34,731
YTD Budget         1,200,103
Giving                   1,187,532  
OVER/(UNDER)       (12,571)    

Ash Wednesday - Take Some Time to Pray and Worship the Lord. 
We are opening a space in the second-floor Fireside Room for prayer and confession next Wednesday, March 5, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. to prepare our hearts for celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. This is a drop-in, self-directed prayer, confession, and reflection time. We have prompts to help you if you desire. Feel free to sit before the Lord as long as you want. Access the stairwell that leads up to the entrance on the back lot that faces the basketball goal and Grace Methodist Church. ​​

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Men’s Muster 2025
A car out of alignment is harder to steer, wears down faster, and wastes fuel. Ever feel the same? Worn down. Burning energy. Pulled off course. It’s time to realign. Join us April 25-27 for Men’s Muster at our NEW location—Ferncliff Camp & Conference Center in Little Rock (45 min from Conway). Take a weekend to rest, recharge, connect, and have fun. Chris Moore will lead a powerful discussion on realigning your life with the gospel. Don’t wait register today at  Registration deadline is April 10.

Fellowship Women’s Ministry Spring Conference & Luncheon
Join us on April 12th, 10 am-4 pm, for our Fellowship Women’s Ministry Spring Conference & Luncheon with the inspiring Cathy Lee! Dive deep into scripture with Cathy as she covers many aspects of spiritual gifts. Registration fee of $25 is due at time of registration and includes lunch. Register at Deadline to register is Sunday, April 6th. 

Silent Auction | April 6th
Youth and College Mission Teams will host a Silent Auction on Sunday, April 6th, at 4 PM. Let us know if you have a service, item, or experience you can donate to be auctioned off. We would love to have it. To donate an item or for any questions, please contact our College Pastor, Andrew Stauffer at
[email protected]g.

Daylight saving time | March 9
Fellowship, we are going to “Spring Forward” on Sunday, March 9.  Remember to set your clocks on Saturday night, March 8,  and join us for services at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.  We will have the coffee ready for you! Don’t worry about getting your kids dressed or feeding them breakfast. Drop them off with Fellowship Kids in their pajamas, and we will provide the pop-tarts.