Jun 02 2023 41 mins
The Fourth Ta'veren reviews Episode 8: The Eye of the World from Amazon Prime! This episode is the final episode of the season and is loosely based on the ending events of the book series The Wheel of Time - Book One: The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. We discuss how the Rand decides to go to the Blight and find the Eye of the World by himself, but Moraine goes with leaving Lan behind. Lan and Nynaeve develop their relationship further. Padan Fain is in Fal Dara hiding out and ends up stealing the Horn of Valere with the help of some Myrddraal. Loial and Uno are killed?! Rand faces off with Ba'alzamon. The Battle of Tarwin's Gap is fought and Lord Agelmar is killed by Trollocs. Nynaeve, Egwene and some other women defeat the Trolloc Army, but suffer mortal wounds from using too much of saidar. What is going on? After a lot of unnecessary misdirection throughout the series, the show finally "reveals" who is the Dragon Reborn. lol In an alternate reality, taken from the Aes Sedai testing ceremony, Rand and Egwene live together and are happy with a baby living in the Two Rivers. Will Rand choose this story for himself or fight to save his friends? At the end we get a tease of Seanchan arriving at Falme. This is the first podcast video that we have done for The Wheel of Time, the previous episode reviews are audio only podcasts and can be found on our website and on iTunes. From here on out we will be doing video podcasts for all of our reviews!