Jul 23 2024
Over and over again studies have shown a strong correlation between physical discipline and mental health challenges. Yet at the same time many parents and teachers alike experience a sense of exasperation at the rapid rise in disrespectful and defiant behaviour amongst school aged children.
Is physical discipline a relic of the past for the Christian parent? What does the Bible have to teach about the place of discipline in raising our kids?
In this episode the team will explore the Bible’s teaching on this topic and the truth that a loving Father uses painful disciple to help us as parents.
Similarly, we’ll see that a central part of our responsibility as parents is to use painful consequences to help our children understand how to rightly relate to God and others.
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Behind the News, ‘Is it OK to smack kids?’ (2:17-6:18)
Does physical discipline cause deep harm? (6:19)
What does the Bible teach about discipline? (0:13:10)
Getting practical about discipline (1:09:45)
Recommended Reading:
1. Paul David Tripp – Parenting: https://koorong.com/product/parenting-the-14-gospel-principles-that-can-radically_9781433551932
2. Don’t Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Hubbard: https://reformers.com.au/products/9780972304641-dont-make-me-count-to-three-a-moms-look-at-heart-oriented-discipline-hubbard-ginger?_pos=1&_sid=dafbdda77&_ss=r
3. Is Gentle Parenting Biblical? https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/gentle-parenting-biblical/
ABC, ‘Behind the News: Is it Ok to smack kids?’ https://youtu.be/SHECuFSH1Co?si=Rvveq4AoefSFQH4R
Fortier et al (2022) Associations between Lifetime Spanking/ Slapping and Adolescent Physical and Mental Health and Behavioural Outcomes – Canadian Journal of Psychiatry https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9014670/
Hosted by Brendan Willis
With Dave & Emma Taylor
Edited by Celine Chiu
Podcast Theme: The Lord Almighty Reigns (Psalm 93) – Accompaniment Track. Copyright Sovereign Grace Music.
A podcast of Sovereign Grace Church, Wahroonga.
Visit: sovgrace.org.au