Perhaps nothing is more discouraging than when a child continues to be unresponsive and even defiant despite our best attempt at parenting them. It’s easy as a parent to feel completely exasperated and out of options.
Yet the Bible paints a picture that is even worse than we like to believe. Our kids wrestle not just with bad behaviour: they are spiritually dead apart from Christ!
Our kids need something far more profound than some new technique to make them more calm, focused and respectful. They need radical heart change that can only be brought about by the power of the Gospel!
Everyone needs a miracle!
In this episode we welcome special guests Tom & Renee Dietrich as we start a conversation that’s all about parenting as evangelism.
We’ll look at God’s sovereignty, our responsibility and how the power of the Gospel can give hope to even the most desperate imperfect parent.
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Getting to know the Dietrich’s – (00:33)
Instant Family - The Christmas Dinner – (16:21)
Parenting the strong-willed child – (18:14)
Biblical tensions: sovereignty and responsibility – (31:44)
Laying kindling and pleading for miracles – (54:16)
Recommended resources:
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer:
Honest Evangelism by Rico Tice:
A Praying Life by Paul Miller:
The Christmas Dinner, Instant Family:
NEXT EPISODE: Episode 9: Where did all the Dads go? Toxic masculinity, man-bashing, dysfunctional father figures and authority.
Hosted by Brendan Willis
With Dave & Emma Taylor
Special Guests: Tom & Renee Dietrich
Edited by Celine Chiu
Podcast Theme: The Lord Almighty Reigns (Psalm 93) – Accompaniment Track. Copyright Sovereign Grace Music.
A podcast of Sovereign Grace Church, Wahroonga.