Kim Nicholas’ book, Under the Sky We Make: How to be Human in a Warming World, was the book that had the most impact on me in 2022.
It woke me up to the urgency of the climate crisis in a way that I hadn’t felt before.
Specifically, how laser focused we need to be on eliminating fossil fuel consumption and extraction for a livable planet for humans. Period.
Dr. Kim Nicholas, a climate scientist at Lund University in Sweden, is ringing the alarm bell and connecting with the issue and the solutions in new ways - often through personal storytelling and even poetry.
Calling on all of us to go beyond-net-zero to actual zero.
She acknowledges the need to centre voices, perspectives and solutions that aren’t typically at the centre if we are going to solve this crisis.
It’s a hard topic. These are not easy truths to grapple with. But there are solutions.
Take a listen to this episode. Pick up her book. Get shook up.
Then let’s get to work and stay well and resilient, so we can fix it.