Nov 02 2021 81 mins 9

Madeline Michalik’s first pregnancy ended in unexplained premature birth at 25 weeks. She was told that her lower back pain was normal, and it was not investigated. Shortly thereafter, she was admitted to the labor and delivery unit, dilated to 3-4 cm at 25 weeks. She delivered her daughter 5 days later, at 25 weeks, and spent 91 days in the NICU. During her second pregnancy, her back pain returned and further investigation into the cause identified a shortened cervix. She underwent an emergency cerclage, and was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix. She went on to deliver her second pregnancy full-term. Despite the happy ending of her premature birth and ultimate term delivery of her second pregnancy, the diagnosis “incompetent cervix” stayed with her. The moment the OB called her cervix “incompetent” never left her.
Madeline went on to get a master’s in Communication, writing her thesis on the language around the medical term “incompetent cervix”. In this episode, we talk about both her experience with preterm labor and a NICU stay for her daughter, and her research into medical terminology specifically around “incompetent cervix”.
Join us as we discuss maternal guilt, the importance of medical language, and receive hope that there is life after the NICU.