Episode 3: The Brothers We Choose
Written and Produced by Call Huitson
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Cast (in order of appearance)
Disclaimer…..Dea Elizabeth
Narrator…..Christopher Kendrick
Stannis Baratheon…..Laurence Hill
Robert Baratheon…..Ben Aarons
Selyse Baratheon…..Soraya Moghadass-Perez
Lewyn Martell…..Sebastian Andersen
Jaime Lannister…..Michael Treagust
Oswell Whent…..Matt Harkness
Jonothor Darry…..Pazy Iqbal
Arthur Dayne…..James Dean Johnstone
Lysa Tully…..Jo Hargreaves
Petyr Baelish…..Mike Schwarz
Harlan Grandison…..Neil Knipe
Barristan Selmy…..Giles de Rivaz
Renly Baratheon…..Gaia Moore
Donal Fell…..Arif Haq
Jon Connington…..Darren Cheers
Varys…..Fred Lavin-Crossley
Rhaegar Targaryen…..Joel Harding
Eddard Stark…..Fred Lavin-Crossley
Simon Toyne…..Peter Adams
The Smiling Knight…..Kieran Begg
Rhaella Targaryen…..Lucy Archer-Woodcock
Aerys Targaryen…..Mark Tunstall
“The Perfect Motive” by Daniel Willett
"Royal Benefits" by Nick Battle
“Epic-soul-alt-mix” via Storyblocks.com
“Hero’s Tale” by Humans Win
“slow-and-emotional-fantasy-mystical-and-and-ethereal-brooding-fairy-tale-music-orchesttra” via Storyblocks.com
Sound Effects
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