Jan 22 2025 83 mins
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On Today's Episode of The Reformation Red Pill Podcast, we are giving away one of our Knox Tier Exclusive podcast episodes!
On this Episode Joshua Haymes and His best friend, Daniel Margheim are going to continue trying to convert each other on the topic of Baptism. Joshua is Paedobaptist while Daniel is Credobaptist. They will be reacting to Jared Longshore's Opening statements from his baptism debate with James White
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Backwards Planning Financial https://www.northwesternmutual.com/financial/advisor/joe-garrisi/planning Joe Garrisi - 615-767-2555
New Saint Andrews College https://greyfriarshall.com/
Indigo Sundries Soap Company 10% OFF YOUR PURCHASE with discount code: Reformation https://www.indigosundriessoap.com/ My (Joshua) personal favorite fragrances: - The Patriarch - The Kentuckian - Barber Shoppe
MT Athos Performancehttps://athosperform.com/ Discount Code: REFORMATION
00:00 - 30:01 - Banter - Crusades, Politics & Stuff
30:01 - 01:18:10 - Reacting To The Debate
01:18:10 - 01:23:38 - More Fun Banter