Jan 16 2025 186 mins 1
SAMPLER & SANS REPROCHES (Radio Transmission)
Playlist N° 1350 - GALAXIE RADIO 95.3FM / DAB+
Lundi 23 Décembre 2024 - Horaire : 20:00 >> 22:00 (www.galaxieradio.fr)
[ S&SR Selection by Walter Sampler & Der Gregolini >> BEST OF 2024 ]
< Artiste - Titre - Version - Format - Production - Label >
- FUEDAL "Old World" DIG LP: Unit 1 (DKA Records)
- DAS KINN "1, 2, Eisberg" DIG EP: Die Kanten (Ichi Ichi / Mangel)
- NITZER EBB "Control I’m Here (Zero Option Mix)" DIG V/A: Control I’m Here: Adventures... 1983-1990 (Cherry Red Records)
- POISON POINT "Mysteries In Fire" DIG LP: Wandering Echoes (Avant!)
- VOX LOW "What If The Symbols Fall Down?" DIG LP: Keep On Falling (Born Bad Records)
- SEVERE ILLUSION "Died Suddenly" CD: Totalitarianism For A New Generation (Advoxya Records)
- KANKA BODEWELL "Maranthon" DIG LP: Stroboscope (Infacted Recordings)
- CLOCK DVA "Acceleration" CD: Noesis (Armcomm Europe / Rizosfera)
- ULTRA SUNN "Some Ghost Could Follow" DIG LP: US (Artoffact Records)
- UNHUMAN + PETRA FLURR "Nasenbluten" DIG LP: Mala Vida (Bite)
- CYBERAKTIF "In Deinen Träumen" VINYL DLP: eNdgame (Artoffact / SubConscious Communications)
- CEVIN KEY "Scratchpad" VINYL DLP: Brap & Forth 9 (Artoffact / SubConscious Communications)
- R010R "Litany Of Greed " DIG DLP: Total Disinformation Awareness (Electro Aggression Records)
- DATA VOID "So Alien" DIG LP: Strategies Of Dissent (Collapsing Silence)
- DSM-V "Hold On Alone" DIG LP: Life Is Done (Third Coming Records)
- 16VOLT "Something Is Coming" DIG LP: NegativeOnArrivals (Metropolis Records)
- UNCONSCIOUS "I Am Broken" DIG LP: Il Punto Di Non Ritrono (Oràculo Records)
- NEUE SACHLICHKEIT "Ice" DIG V/A: Antler Records Early Years Vol 1 (Antler Records)
- 1000 HOM "The Station Hall" DIG V/A: Antler Records Early Years Vol 2 (Antler Records)
- IMPLANT "The Algorithm" DIG LP: The Chaos Machine Part 1: No More Flies On The Windscreen (Alfa Matrix)
- AKALOTZ "Dark On Fall" DIG LP: Angry Body Machine (Scanner)
- FUNKER VOGT "Die Leinen Los" DIG DLP: Final Construct (RepoRecords)
- SPAMMERHEADS "Human Hysteria" DIG EP: Disclaimer (Soil Records)
- ARBEID ADELT! "Fris! Fris! Het Heelal Is Hier" DIG LP: Het Heelal Is Hier (Starman Records)
- KALT "Open Your Eyes" CD: Paradoxx (Autoproduction)
- COMMUTER "Oblivion" DIG COMPIL: I Am The Commuter - 2014/2024 (Autoproduction)
- RESISTOR "Liebe Über Alles" DIG LP: Liebe Über Alles (Scanner)
- MICHEL MOERS "Les Gens Sont Affligeants" DIG LP: As Is (Freaksville Records)
- HOWARD JONES "Hide & Seek" DIG LP: Live At The O2 (Cherry Red Records)
- GESAFFELSTEIN "The Perfect" DIG LP: Gamma (Columbia Records)
- AMORPHOUS "Cyber Futurism" DIG LP: Skepticism (Semantics Productions)
- TR/ST "Dark Day" DIG LP: Performance (Dais Records)
- CENSOR "Deadly Divide" DIG LP: Swarm (oLLiLaboratories)
- XTR HUMAN "Neid" DIG LP: SCHRANK (Negative Gain Productions)
- MOLCHAT DOMA "Kolesom" DIG LP: Belaya Polosa (Sacred Bones Records / Modulor Music)
- BILL LEEB "Demons" DIG LP: Model Kollapse (Metropolis Records)
- JG OUTSIDER "Life" Despierto (Cold Transmission Music)
- EAT-GIRLS "Saints' Discards" DIG LP: Area Silenzio (Bureau B)
- NORMAL BIAS "Falling Down" DIG LP: Kingdom Come (DKA Records)
- SYSTEM "Time Ceases To Flow" DIG LP: Autonomous Systems (Progress Productions)
- CURTAIN "A Cold Life" DIG LP: Between Us (Manic Depression Records)
- RUN LEVEL ZERO "We Are Strong" DIG LP: A Strange New Pain (Autoproduction)
- DAVID SHAW AND THE BEAT "The Mechanic Of Your Power" DIG LP: Love Songs With A Kick Vol.2&3 (Her's Majestic Ship / Virgin)
- THEE HYPHEN "Internal (V2.02)" CD: Organique (BOREDOMproduct)
- TOKEE+FRACTAL "Modular" DIG LP: Prototype (Aliens Production)
- CSIBD "Marginal" DIG LP: Liberated By Insignificance (Aliens Production)
PROMO THANKS TO : DKA Records (Chris), DAS KINN (Toben Piel), CHERRY RED RECORDS (Matt Ingham), ALIENS PRODUCTIONS (Peter Ryby), AVANT! RECORDS (Andrea), BORN BAD RECORDS (Clarisse Vallée), SEVERE ILLUSION (Fredrik Djurfeldt), INFACTED RECORDINGS (Torben Schmidt), ARMAGEDDON DILDOS (Uwe Kanka), ORANGE SECTOR (Martin Bodewell), ARTOFFACT RECORDS (lucy), ELECTRO AGGRESSION RECORDS (Nader Moumneh), R010R (Michael Renfield), DATA VOID (James Mendez & Don Gordon), THIRD COMING RECORDS (Louis X. Legris), RED SAND PROMO (Gary Levermore), ORÀCULO RECORDS (India & Nico), ANTLER RECORDS (Roland Beelen), IMPLANT (Len Lemeire), SCANNER / DARK DIMENSIONS LABEL GROUP (Frank D'Angelo), REPORECORDS (Björn Böttcher & Kai Schmidt), SOIL RECORDS (Ian Broch), STARMAN RECORDS (Felix Huybrechts), ARBEID ADELT! (Marcel Vanthilt), COMMUTER (Laurent Paranthoën), SAVOIR FAIRE (Elena Giustiniani), AMORPHOUS (Gil O.Santos), MODULOR PR (Sébastien Kervella), MODULOR MUSIC (Manon L'Huillier), PROGRESS PRODUCTIONS (Torny Gottberg), COLD TRANSMISSION MUSIC (Andreas), BUREAU B (Marion Seury), MANIC DEPRESSION (Vincent) ...