Importance of Father Figures

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Feb 27 2023 13
importance-of-father-figuresA recent report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics proves the importance of fathers in the development of young children.

Engaged fathers are associated with better academic success, health, social skills, and confidence. Their children also have less delinquency and reduced likelihood of substance abuse.

It really matters to get dads involved with children. They don't have to serve the same functions as mothers. It's great when fathers will jump in and change diapers and rock babies to sleep, but they can be involved in other ways. Daddies tend to be more playful with babies and tend to get more belly laughs. Fathers encourage their littles to climb to the top of the monkey bars and take risks on the playgrounds.

Encouraging all fathers to get involved with children will improve those children's lives. Giving fathers paid parental leave will help with this.

If your child's father is unavailable, this role can be filled by any male or person identifying as male in the child's life. Grandfathers, uncles, adopted fathers or males who are committed to the child's well-being can assist in the positive development of children.

Listen in to this encore episode from June 2016 as Dr. Michael Yogman shares the importance of fathers (or father figures).