In this portion of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus deepens our understanding of the law against adultery. He contrasts what has been heard against what is the truth and the application of that truth. Jesus is drawing us back to the intent of the law instead of allowing it to be used as easy permission for sin. Make no mistake, Jesus' words are hard to hear and for many of us reveal sin we would rather more easily justify or explain.
Remember, the purpose of the law is to show we are all guilty so that we remove any possibility of basing our relationship with God on our own righteousness or allowing our own failure to have the final say. Because of Jesus we need not shrink back from hard truths that reveal our sin, but instead draw near to His Throne of Grace, where we will always find Mercy and Grace to help us.
Prepare for this weeks message by reading Matthew 5-7 giving special focus to 5:27-32