Feb 02 2025 62 mins
Discussion Questions
Sermon Overview
Follow Jesus, for the hope he gives outweighs all hardship.
Digging Deeper
Read Luke 6:12-26
1. Jesus pulls an all-nighter of prayer on the heels of facing increased opposition (Luke 5:33-6:11) and right before choosing his 12 disciples. Yet, even after all that prayer, one of Jesus’ disciples betrayed him (Lk. 6:16). What can we learn about God and prayer that sometimes earnest prayer doesn’t mean everything works out perfectly?
2. Luke 6:12 is another example of Luke’s distinctive emphasis on prayer. What is a take-away for us from the fact that prior to choosing the twelve apostles from among his disciples, Jesus “... went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.”?
3. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? What are some of the implications of discipleship for our daily lives?
4. One of the reasons Jesus came was to establish people who represent him (Lk. 6:12-19). When you think of your identity (“I am a ________.”), where is “a disciple” or “a representative for God on this earth” on the list of things you see yourself to be?
5. Who is blessed in verses 20-23? Is it anyone who is poor, hungry, or sad?
6. Who receives woes (i.e., trouble) in verses 24-26? Is it anyone who is rich, full, laughing, and well-liked?
7. Jesus’ blessing flows to his lowly followers (Lk. 6:20-23), not the successful and proud (Lk. 6:24-26). Are there areas of your life in which you are more eager for “success” than you are for Jesus’ blessing (which may or may not overlap)? Please share.
8. According to verses 23-24, why should followers of Jesus “leap for joy” when bad things happen to them on account of the Son of Man? How does this land on you? How can we help one another keep this perspective front and center?
9. The big idea of the sermon was that the hope Jesus gives outweighs all hardship. Where do we see this idea in the text (Lk. 6:12-26)?