Jan 26 2025 37 mins
Discussion Questions
Sermon Overview
Jesus came to announce God's rescue for all who know they need him.
Digging Deeper
Read Luke 4:13-30
1. So far in this book, Luke has shown us that Jesus is God’s divine son (chapter 2) and the perfect human (3:1-4:13). Now Luke introduces us to Jesus’ mission. What is Jesus’ mission? (see vv. 18-19, 43).
2. How does Jesus’ claim to be the Servant of the LORD spoken of by Isaiah deepen our understanding of the person and work of Jesus?
3. By his words and deeds, Jesus was making it known that the kingdom of God is coming to earth in and through him (vs. 21). It is often said that the kingdom of God is “already……not yet.” In what ways has the kingdom of God “already” come through Jesus? In what ways has the kingdom of God “not yet” come through Jesus?
4. The culture around us values autonomy and self-sufficiency. In contrast, Jesus came to announce God's rescue for all who know they need him. How easy or hard is it for you to sense your need for Jesus? How come?
5. Another pervasive aspect of the culture around us is a sense of entitlement (“You deserve a break today.” -McDonald’s). Pastor Brett pointed out (from this passage), that Jesus’ hearers had a sense of entitlement with regard to God’s salvation (they felt they deserved it, and that the Gentiles did not). In what ways might we slip into a mindset of entitlement with regard to God’s salvation, mercy, and love (and perhaps other things as well)? How might we seek to guard against this?
6. In this passage, Jesus shows he is able to effortlessly avoid death at the hands of the crowd. How does this scene help us appreciate all the more his willingness to die on the cross?