Mar 09 2025 39 mins
Discussion Questions
Sermon Overview
Love others not according to their sins, but according to your Father's mercy.
Digging Deeper
Read Luke 6:27-42
How does the world around us view revenge? Where do you see that?
The call of Jesus to love our enemies (those who mistreat us) is no small thing. What makes obedience to Jesus’ commands in these verses hard?
Verse 31 is often called “the golden rule.” What are some practical day-to-day situations of your life where being more mindful of this command would serve you (and those around you!) well?
What attributes of God the Father do we see on display in verses 35-36?
How does Jesus’ example of loving his enemies motivate you to love your own enemies?
Our Heavenly Father wants us to resemble him. Think about a difficult relationship you’re in right now. How can you show your “family resemblance” in your interactions with this person?
Luke 6:37 (“Judge not …”) is often misunderstood and misapplied. Did this sermon help you gain greater clarity on what judging is and what judging is not? Please share.
Pastor Brett encouraged us (based on verses 39-42) to practice self-assessment when it comes to our sight-distorting sin. What does healthy self-assessment look like for a follower of Christ?
Jesus calls us to humbly help others see their sin (vv. 41-42). Is this something you’ve experienced (be it as the one coming alongside another, or as the one being helped by a brother or sister)?
What are some possible consequences of failing to get the log out of our own eye before going to a brother or sister to point out their sin to them?
How might living the way Jesus calls us as his disciples in these verses be a testimony to unbelievers around us of the gospel?