Mar 02 2025 51 mins 29
Rebinging Star Trek Voyager: False Profits
Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S3E5: False Profits. In this episode we draw on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called The Price (s3e8) where some Ferengi disappear into a wormhole. Well, somehow in the vastness of space, Voyager manages to bump into those exact dudes called Arridor (Dan Shor) and Kol (Leslie Jordan). And since they're Ferengi they've managed to land on a planet and start taking advantage of the locals. We have some typical Ferengi "humor," but ultimately we find this episode quite frustrating!
False Profits
Voyager finds the remnants of a moving wormhole and starts building a magnet to attract it (don't ask). Meanwhile, they find that some Ferengi have already come through the wormhole from the Alpha Quadrant and are currently milking the under-developed alien population of their money. Sounds about right for Ferengi! The Voyager crew gets distracted by the Ferengi shenanigans and manages to jeopardize a legitimate way home.
What's this rebinge thing?
It’s a re-watch of a thing you’ve probably already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. In each episode we discuss "Women in the Future" and "Janeway's Leadership Corner" while over-analyzing everything.
Be sure to listen to our previous episode S3E4: The Swarm where the doctor loses his memory.
Next time...
Join us next time for our S3E6: Remember.
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