Jul 08 2023 113 mins 1
This week we have Tommy, Dennis Burgess (LinkTechs), Thomas Kirnak and Justin Miller.
00:00:00 Introductions
00:02:15 Sponsors and Patreon
00:04:00 Bad actor companies on FB & RF Elements
00:07:05 Going back to secorized pannels?
00:09:25 WRT54G, That Belongs in a Museum!
00:13:52 Bad Credit Card Machines and UNIFI
00:17:45 New PCI Compliance Testing Rules
00:22:06 OWASP Top 10 and Security Testing
00:27:05 Penetration Testing Fun
00:32:40 Communicating in an Outage
00:52:50 Topolograph
00:54:11 Memorizing Your Network and Maping it
01:01:00 Big F’n Deal, ROS is now Feature Complete! s
01:09:45 ChatGPT won’t be replacing Network Admins
01:12:45 IEEE Talking about LET Bandwidth Limitations
01:18:30 Backup Connections Building and Selling them to Customers
01:25:10 Spectrum will no longer sell to WISPs (Official)
01:29:10 Frontier’s fiber build budget has been spent and other issues with the big carriers.
01:32:00 O-Band Optics
01:34:30 Fiber should be done on Fridays!
01:39:30 DHCP Lease Times? Use the right tech!
01:48:05 BGP Knobs to turn
01:49:00 Outro, BDC is happening
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/PRVQgQ_NOlQ
Dennis – [email protected] (or if you want to call him listen to the video)
Justin – dynstatic.net
Tomas – unimus.net
OWASP Top 10 https://owasp.org/www-project-top-ten/
Topolograph https://topolograph.com/
BGP Knobs to Tune https://archive.nanog.org/meetings/nanog45/presentations/Sunday/Freedman_bgp102_1_N45.pdf
IEEE Talking about LEO Bandwidth Limitations https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9568932?denied=
O-Band https://www.fiberlabs.com/glossary/original-band/