Feb 17 2025 30 mins 21
This is The Digital Story Podcast #987, Feb. 18, 2025. Today's theme is Help Me Celebrate 1,000 Podcasts with "Your TDS Moment." I'm Derrick Story.
Opening Monologue
On May 20, 2025, I will air my 1,000th TDS Podcast Episode. Amazing! And I want you to help me celebrate the ocassion. But we have to start working on it now. This week I share the details of "My TDS Moment," plus talk about our upcoming iPhone and Compact Camera Photography with Mobile Processing Online Workshop. All of that, and more, on this week's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.
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Help Me Celebrate 1,000 Podcasts with "Your TDS Moment"
On Sunday night, NBC aired its 50th anniversary show for Saturday Night Live. It was an entertaining mashup of nostalgia, remixes, and current comedy and musical performances.
I had been thinking about our upcoming celebration for our 1,000th TDS Podcast. And I think a big component of the event should be centered on you, the listener, community member, and photographic artist.
Over the years people have shared their TDS Moments with me. Sometimes they were ah-ha revelations, new gear discoveries, meeting a new friend at a workshop, or that perfect melding of podcast moment and acitiity that will never be forgotten.
Many of these great stories need to be shared and celebrated. And what better moment to do so than with our 1,000th episode celebration?
So here's what I'm thinking...
Over the next two months, let's record as many of those stories as we can. I will pack as many of them as possible into the 1,000th Celebration show. If there are more than I can include in one special episode, I will roll them out over the remainder of 2025 as segments on our regular podcast.
If you want to participate, here's how it's going to work. I've set up a Meeting Calendar for Friday appointments. If there's an open slot, you can sign up for it. On that date, we will connect via Zoom and I will record your TDS Moment.
All you'll have to do is share your anecdote. I'll handle the recording and will clean up any missteps. Separately, I'll ask you to send along a headshot and short bio.
Anytime that you want the link to the scheduling calendar, it will be in each week's Show Notes. If you have any questions, use the Contact Me link on theNimblePhotographer.com.
I think this is going to be a wonderful event in May. I hope you can be a part of it.
iPhone and Compact Camera Photography with Mobile Processing Online Workshop - March 2025
The iPhone, combined with a compact camera, is a powerful tandem for on-the-go photography. In this online workshop, we will explore how to pull together these devices to build a robust and enjoyable workflow. Or if you wish, how to get the most out of your iPhone as your sole camera.
Examples of recommended gear include iPhone 14, 15, or 16, USB-C iPads, and compact cameras such as the Ricoh GR, Fujifilm X100 V, VI, Fujifilm XF-10, and other modern, pocketable devices. We'll also learn iOS photo software to turbocharge our workflow, add geotags, and publish. Examples, but not limited to, Photomator, Lightroom Mobile, ON1 Mobile, RAW Power, and Photos for iOS.
This online workshop (Zoom) begins on Thursday, March 6, 2025, with both morning (9am PST) and evening sessions (4pm PST) available. We will convene weekly thereafter via Zoom for more training sessions (AM and PM), Q&A, and to compare notes. You can attend morning, evening, or both sessions. It's essentially the same content, just different participants.
It is so much fun.
Plus, you will have unlimited access to our online workshop community, DerrickStoryOnline. Here, you can mingle with other workshop participants (past and present), share images for comment, exchange tips and techniques, and enjoy the fellowship of other creatives who share your passion for image-making.
You can sign up here. Inner Circle Members receive a 10 percent discount off the $165 tuition. Hope to see you there!
More Camera Industry News
Leica made a $329 iPhone camera grip by Andrew Liszewski on TheVerge.com.
Zeiss Teases Its Long-Awaited Return to Photography by Jeremy Gray on Petapixel.com.
Virtual Camera Club News
Schedule a My TDS Moment Recording Session - If you want to participate in our 1,000th Podcast Celebration, here's how it's going to work. I've set up a Meeting Calendar for Friday appointments. If there's an open slot, you can sign up for it. On that date, we will connect via Zoom and I will record your TDS Moment. I hope you can join us in the festivities!
TDS Photography Workshops! Reserve your spot now. We have an exciting slate of online and in-person events. If you have any questions, use the Nimble Photographer Contact Form. I will get back to you ASAP.
The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.
Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.
Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at medium.com/live-view.
If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at [email protected].
The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on thenimblephotographer.com, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.
Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.
Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.
See you next week!
You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.