Episode summary:
The main part of this episode tackles the different spiritual things you can do (along with some more tangible and practical things) to improve your health and wellbeing. Importantly I compare them, explaining why some work better than others. I also share insights into how you may be preventing them from working and what you personally can do to get more benefits. But before that I answer a few questions about the word "Hosanna" and Q Link Pendants.
Episode notes:
00:00:33 Introduction
We're looking at the different spiritual things to bring about wellbeing. We'll also look at the word "Hosanna". Phenomena in the sky. Q Link pendants, and healing modalities
00:02:19 The Word "Hosanna"
We explore whether the word "Hosanna" is a positive word to use when saying prayers or singing hymns. However I take the question in a different direction and first explore the illusion of choice and how knowledge helps us gain freedom. Next I explain more about the bigger picture when it comes to words we say and spiritual consequences. Hint it's as much about the intention of how we say stuff as what we say.
00:08:29 Dark Rays in the Sky
Next we explore eye witness reports of "Dark rays" seen in the daytime sky. A phenomena that has only been noticed in the last few months. I explain what "God Rays" are from a photographer perspective. However what Toshee, who asked the question, was witnessing was something metaphysical.
00:12:18 Your Eyes and Biology
I take a slight detour to explain my background as a biologist and that the human eye has different parts, allowing us to see different things when it's darker. I draw parallels between this new phenomena and the Northern Lights. Is this something to be concerned about? I explain why, if you notice strange phenomena, I appreciate it if you let me know. There's work to do to help heal the planet! This leads on to a brief mention of "Project Pegasus" and "Project Bluebeam" both of which have their roots in darkness.
00:22:26 Q Link Pendants? Do they Work?
Do Q Links protect us from EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields). I share a story from back in 2001 when I was working at Pfizer (working for the devil!). I digress and discuss the hypocrisy of big pharma and how they could make a big difference, but they don't because it's not profitable. But I return to the story and explain that I got very sick working long hours surrounded by computers (EMF radiation). I used a Q Link pendant to help me recover. I then explain that the Q Link pendants do not afford "protection", but they do help fortify your system.
00:32:30 Better Health through Spiritual Healing
Now I go into real detail about the spiritual perspective on health and wellbeing. Lokoing at different tings you can do to increase your wellbeing. Things I cover include intention, positivity, breath meditation, self-love, self-blessing, self-healing, affirmation, barefoot walking, being blessed, prayer, your state.
At one point I run a simple exercise which was quite profound, helping us to love and accept ourselves deeper. I also talk about people hold themselves back and also how you can get more healing/wellbeing benefits.
Links to resources mentioned:
- Re-watch the original live show video stream here: https://rumble.com/v5u2t18-ep.038-spiritual-healing-and-qlinks-281124-discussing-spirituality-w-mark-z.html
- The Halloween special, Episode 34 Podcast: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/is-hallowep-034-halloween-the-devils-holiday/
- Discussing the difference between religion and spirituality: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/believing-in-god-versus-experiencing-god-what-matters-to-you/
- Ep.010 on the Northern Lights: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/live-show-episode-10-bambi-thug/
- Ep.011 The energy of the Northern Lights: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep011-podcast-aurora-borealis/
- Ep.032 where I first mention Project Pegasus: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-032-what-is-god-uk-assisted-dying-bill-and-covid/
- Project Blue Beam: https://allthatsinteresting.com/serge-monast
- Speaking out against big Pharma (2011) BBC Radio Kent: https://thewaybackgroup.org/archive/bbc-radio-kent-diet-lifestyle-versus-medication/
- Anti EMF AiresTech: https://rumble.com/v5ggn7e-ep.029-ru-spiritual-5g-emf-tax-260924-discussing-spirituality-with-mark-zar.html?start=3762
- Meditation tutorials: https://thewaybackgroup.org/meditation-and-your-spiritual-journey-to-god/how-to-meditate-videos/
- Discussing how meditation is not needed to be spiritual:
- Enlightenment and Spirituality: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/enlightenment-spirituality-do-i-really-need-to-meditate-am-i-ready-whats-holding-me-back-honest-talk-w-mark-zaretti/
- Mindfulness is a spiritual trap: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-021-dying-olympics-revelations/
- Is meditation Spiritual? https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-003-live-show-discussing-spirituality-with-mark-zaretti-is-meditation-spiritual-lifewave-lightwave-sex-gender-spiritual-growth-spiritually-yin-or-yang-we-are-one/
- Sorry to tell you that might not be spiritual: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/i-am-sorry-to-tell-you-but-that-might-not-be-spiritual/
- Simeon and Mark discuss meditation (2022) Podcast: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/36-mark-and-simeon-discuss-the-six-virtues/
- Spirituality and God (2019): https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/08-spirituality-letting-god-into-your-heart/
- Self Love (2017): https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/send-love-advice-on-channelling-love-start-with-yourself/
- The Six Virtues: https://thewaybackgroup.org/teaching-and-guidance/the-six-virtues/ and not-for-profit book: https://mybook.to/TWB-The-Six-Virtues
- Positive Affirmation article: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/positive-affirmations/
- Barefoot walking video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LxoJIE0jnw
- Ep.007 where I mention blessings: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/live-show-ep007-numerology/
- Guided meditation for heart awareness: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/15-heart-chakra-love-guided-meditation/
- More about the Heart Chakra: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/heart-chakra/
Screenshots from the episode:
The image above comes from discussing Toshee's question about seeing dark rays in the sky. The main image is the second one where God Rays are inverted. The image in the back right is of God Rays.
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Please note that a transcript, where present, has been automatically created based on the audio and so may contain some transcription errors. But we hope the benefit of having the words transcribed outweigh any glitches. Thanks.