Episode Summary:
Joined by Guest Nik who you may recall from Ep.033. We talk about spiritual parenting as we reflect on having Jesus in our lives. But we also share a number of testimonials from members of the public sharing their spiritual experiences of having opened their hearts and lives to Jesus. A refreshingly spiritual/non-religious exploration of Jesus/Yeshua in the context of life in 2024.
Episode Notes;
00:00:17 Special Podcast Intro
I introduce this podcast and tell you about the bonus towards the end. I also share a really touching comment left on the original video.
00:01:52 Jesus & Christmas Show: Introduction
I welcome Nik back to the show. Nik Last appeared in Episode 033.
We reflect on Nik's position as a father, husband and other roles, and the spiritual perspective these roles bring.
00:04:30 Christmas (Christ's Mass)
It's Christmas time and I reflect on the last episode and the fact that Jesus is under-represented in modern culture. There's a reference to Santa as Satan. Some uplifting quotes from the live chat and I explain the focus for this episode.
00:06:20 "Jesus Walks Beside Me", Testimonial #1 by Lorna
This first testimonial about how Jesus "Walks beside me" made Nik quite emotional. Nik then reflects on his childhood and how he missed out on Jesus back then. Mark talks about the value of the contrast of having welcomed Jesus and God into life as an adult of your own free will.
00:11:25 What's Jesus Got to do with Spirituality?
Nik shares how being a spiritual parent contrasts with life without Jesus. How his children naturally have a love of Jesus. Also how as a family he and his wife bring Jesus into Christmas in the home. I ask Nik questions about how he's made Jesus relevant to his kids.
00:17:00 The Spiritual Damage Santa Does
Nik brings up Father Christmas, and I explain how the very notion of Santa is actually spiritually damaging to children.
00:18:58 "Jesus Dare's Me", Testimonial #2 by Tommy
Nik reads out a testimonial where Tommy shares how The Way Back has helped him grow in respect and love for Jesus. I then explain that this show is for you, it is steered by you.
00:21:37 The Thin Line - harmful or helpful?
Nik talks about people seeking supernatural stuff. How people may be putting themselves in harms way seeking out potentially dark and evil things. Where is the line. I then explain that if a person is able to be neutral, then information about "scary" stuff might actually provide guidance, information, and help. In other words it depends on the motivation. How would Jesus respond to this stuff?
00:29:45 Talking About Magic
I use the example of sharing information about Magic, including sleight of hand. How this holds people back spiritually and may even harm them if they are good. This brings up Ouija boards.
00:33:40 The Way Back Contrasts Against "The Heavy Cloak of Religion"
I reflect on the nice words Tommy had shared about how The Way Back helped him overcome the "heavy cloak of religion". (see Ep.002) We chat about how, despite walking a meditative journey, it still comes back to Jesus and God.
00:34:45 Kindness and Calmness, Testimonial #3 by Tonia
I reflect on the different qualities that Jesus demonstrates. Pantha9 asks a good question in the chat which Nik answers. This leads onto a discussion about why there's been reluctance in the past to accept Jesus in life.
00:42:08 Claiming Christmas Back - The Calling to Speak the Highest Truth
I talk about why I want to focus on Jesus more, and the opportunity of using your voice to inspire others.
00:44:10 Jesus in my Life in Spirit - Testimonial #4 by Rachel
There is a theme, talking about Jesus is also talking about God. Jesus is God. I clarify what I mean by "God" and draw comparisons versus the many gods referenced in polytheistic religions and "Ancient Aliens" ideology. Nik, shares a nice story of a footballer who acknowledged God on TV. We then talk about people being guided to Jesus when they are ready and that I explain how guidance happens in the book "Spiritual Life Explained"
00:50:45 "Spiritual Wasteland" comments from the live chat
One of the viewers talks of being pushed away from Jesus and yet Jesus has welcomed them back. A change of heart is always possible. Me and Nik look at what comes first? Wanting or Knowing Jesus is in your life?
00:52:35 The Light and The Way - Testimonial #5 by Anon
Nik shares a story about being spooked by a video on youtube and in fear he called out to Jesus. What happened next was inspiring.
00:55:25 Christmas in Nik's House
Nik reflects on his role as a father and how he conducts himself at home around the kids and wife. There are a few things in his home to remind the family of Jesus. I ask Nik if his role as a father is to be like Jesus to his kids, to be a role model. We share a laugh over Christmas stories from the past.
01:03:46 Jesus is my Inspiration and Role Model, Testimonial #6 by Susan
How The Way Back has taught people that it is your choice to "Welcome Jesus into your life".
01:06:44 My Life Has Never Been The Say Since, Testimonial #7 by C
I talk about Yeshua, Jesus and beyond the name.
01:10:24 Nik's Take on Being a Spiritual Parent
Nik describes his role and Mark talks about the power of demonstrating spirituality. Leading by example. I explain how The Way Back helps guide people towards God and Jesus.
01:12:20 What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Testimonial #8 by Mark
I read out the testimonial I gave in the email I sent earlier in the week.
01:13:45 Nik's Closing Thoughts
Nik gives his closing thoughts and then I call on all of us, with a simple challenge to be more spiritual.
Links to things mentioned in this show:
- Watch the original Rumble Live Show of this podcast: https://rumble.com/v60xamt-ep.041-why-christmas-still-belongs-to-jesus-19122024-discussing-spiritualit.html
- Image of Jesus and Mary: https://www.liturgytools.net/2016/12/pictures-feast-mary-mother-of-god-adoration-of-the-shepherds-virgin-at-prayer.html
- Podcast Ep.033 With Nik: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-033-demon-face-syndrome/ which is also a video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5jyea5-ep.033-demon-face-syndrome-light-v-dark-241024-discussing-spirituality-w-ma.html
- Podcast Ep.040 Where I discuss how Jesus is not represented in shops: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-040-siamese-cats-the-snake-cat-secret-is-out/ which is also a video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5yokt8-ep.040-my-cat-tried-to-kill-me-snake-cat-hell-121224-discussing-spiritualit.html
- The email I sent out: https://sendfox.com/thewayback/c/7j868d/calling-all-spiritually-awake-people-heres-your-chance-to-make-a-positive-difference
- See all 41 podcast episodes: https://thewaybackgroup.org/series/twb-live-show-podcast/
- Ep.002 on how The Way Back provides a middle road between the extremes of Religion and Science: https://rumble.com/v4kke13-ep.002-discussing-spirituality-with-mark-zaretti.-making-sense-of-life-1-ep.html
- Book: Spiritual Life Explained: The Wake-up Call: https://mybook.to/SpiritualLifeExplained
- Podcast Ep.010 Bambi Thug and the Eurovision Song contest: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/live-show-episode-10-bambi-thug/
- Ep.035 What Loosh is and why there's less at Christmas: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-035-magicians-magic-jesus-democrats-meltdown-compassion/
- Sign up to our free email newsletter: https://thewaybackgroup.org/contact/spiritual-newsletter-signup/
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