Ep.048 Are (Gremlins) Beings on Higher-Dimensions Interfering with You? Inspiration & Jesus. Experience Grief When a Relationship Ends: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

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Feb 06 2025 66 mins  

Podcast Synopsis TL;DR

Before discussing Gremlins I first share an inspiring photo taken by one of The Way Back members, which references Jesus. Then we discuss how grief is not an emotion but something far more profound. Why some people cannot get over a loss and how to help them. Then we look into "interference" and I share actual film footage of electronics going haywire, caused by "light orbs" and other "unseen things" on higher-dimensions. I explain why this happens, who they target and what can be done about it. Hint: this matters to you if you're a good spiritual person!

Episode Notes:

FYI the timings shown for each heading relate to the original video. If you subtract about 10 mins from the times shown you can jump to the appropriate section in the podcast. If the timing is a bit out it isn't gremlins (this time!) x - Mark

00:09:52 Show Begins. I Need to Apologise to You

The show begins and I'm talking about Ozempic. "I was planning to cover that in the show but we never got round to it as the other topics were quite full. So I'll be covering the Ozempic stuff in a later episode!". I stress that this is a spiritual show and welcome new viewers and listeners.

00:11:42 Jesus Inspiration in Everyday Life

One of the members of the group put a nice comment "However battered and humble the signpost may be, Jesus IS the way". What a lovely sentiment. I explain this isn't a religious thing, and use the analogy of a mountain with many paths on it. Spirituality is the goal to reach the peak.

00:14:28 Understanding The Grief of Relationship Breakdowns - Beyond Emotions

We discuss grief and joy as fundamental experiences that emanate from our spirits. These are higher than emotions. I explain why we may feel grief and how that is connected to love. I touch on the enigma of love and how it is so pure that you can't actually tell if you're receiving love or not. Someone telling you "I Love You" is not the same thing as being loved.

I explain how grief is separate from (intellectual) shock and acceptance, but that there is an energetic shock involved in real grief. Although discussing relationships I explain how this applies to many traumatic life-situations.

I talk about why people get stuck and can't accept something like a loss or breakdown of a relationship. How ego plays a part and what can be done to help them (or you) if this is where they (or you) find yourself. How many people go about it the wrong way when trying to get unstuck. A better way is to learn how to become more neutral and I talk about how.

Why is it that sometimes there is no real grief when a relationship ends?

00:30:33 Gremlins: Beings on Higher Dimensions Messing With Good People on Earth?

Why are higher-dimensional beings interfering with good people on earth? In fact... are they? I share a number of video clips of things going wrong such as audio equipment, computers and lights being interfered with to hamper "Good work".

video clip 1) A computer has locked up although the mouse still responds, while doing artwork and research critical of Gates, Fauci, and Schwab. The machine was sabotaged by "dark forces".

Video clip 2) The paranormal video where I show light orbs. While I'm talking about it these things actually start trying to interfere with me!

Video clip 3) Original footage from Stonehenge filming featuring Blue the dog. I show this to explain that the other files I'm about to share are from that same day's filming.

Video clip 4) Very harsh noise from electromagnetic interference when trying to film at Stonehenge. This wasn't from a physical source, but rather a higher-dimensional source, think along the lines of "directed energy weapons".

Video clip 5) Raw footage from last scene of Stonehenge documentary. Setting the scene.

Video clip 6) Light in VW T6 camper van randomly switching on and off due to light orbs interfering with it! What some associate with paranormal or poltergeist activity. See large image below where I highlight the light orbs in a couple of still frames. I also take the time to show the difference between "dust motes" and light orbs.

Video clip 7) a few seconds of footage of the same light in the campervan switching on and off.

I then talk about other peoples experiences such as taps, showers, TVs, or vehicles turning off and on. This leads on to a story of a spiritual group getting together and how the "forces of darkness" prevented one of the people attending by using such "interference". Other similar stories are shared.

These are anecdotes that go towards explaining WHY the forces of darkness meddle with people and equipment on the physical plane.

Finally I share with you what it is that you can do to mitigate against the forces of darkness. It may not be that you can protect against the interference, but you can do positive things that may help. Also there are ways of responding that encourages their wrongdoing against you. For example becoming negative and generating Loosh. But there are more spiritual ways you can embrace that helps you in such situations. These gremlins have been known by many names such as devils, demons, the Jin, Old Hag etc. They are real and they're nature is to mess with good people. So if you are a good person then this information is invaluable. Please share with other good people. I talk about three different ways you can help yourself in these situations.

01:03:05 Spells and Black Magic suppressing good content from being seen!

I share our 2023 YouTube analytics showing two inexplicable ramp ups in the number of viewers. How was this possible? It was the result of doing a lot of spiritual work to remove the dark suppression upon the channel. This dark suppression is what you might know as black magic, spells, hexes and so forth. I talk about the truth that such dark work does exist. Many people who do "Magik" or are "Mages, Wican, Witches, Warlocks, Medicine Men", "Satanists" etc. are doing it, and often-times believing they are doing good!

I explain why I don't bother clearing these things at this time, but that there are always the free-will choices of good people. The work by dark forces simply filters out the spiritually asleep or the bad people. Good people, when they are receptive to their soul and spirit will always be able to discover The Way Back.

Links to resources mentioned in this episode:

Images Referenced in this Live Show:

Image taken by one of The Way Back members showing "Jesus is Lord" street artwork.

The video where my microphone was interfered with while filming at Stonehenge. What I didn't explain was the small microphone works by radio transmission (actually via wifi) and so is very sensitive to electromagnetic interference. The interference did not come from the physical realm!

The top image and bottom image are about 1 second apart. I've highlighted with a red arrow in each image the position of a light orb which is seen moving from top left of the light towards the light. In the inset top right, I zoom in 200% on the light orb, circling it in red and indicating it's trajectory. This is hard to spot so I've increased the contrast in the inset picture. These are at time point 00:50:09 in the original rumble video.

Normal YouTube viewing trends showing an increase after publishing a new video (A) and (B). At point (C) black magic was removed and you see two inexplicable spikes in viewing figures that are greater than when videos are released. The next video released outperformed previous releases by about 400%.

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Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark