The Tim Corrimal Show
Episode 772 – January 5, 2025
On episode 772 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (Joseph Santorsa on Facebook and on BlueSky), Francie (@Francie57 on Twitter and @[email protected] on Mastodon), Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter and @[email protected] on Mastodon) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, Matt (@[email protected] on Mastodon) from The Messaging Matters Blog, and Adam Hebert (Adam Hebert on Facebook and @theadamhebert on Threads) from
On the show this week we discuss the social media clips below:
1. @mysticwolf_music on TikTok
2. @theempresscjj on TikTok
3. @christinatalkstea on TikTok
4. @akilahobviously on TikTok
5. @2rawtooreal2 on TikTok
6. @harryjsisson on TikTok
7. @TabithaSpeaksPolitics on YouTube
8. @christophermillsmusic
9. @unlearn16 on TikTok
10. @thejourneyofteej on TikTok
11. @_incrediberry on Instagram
12. @donlemon on TikTok
13. @coreyrforrester on TikTok
You can contact me on social media at @TimCorrimal on Mastodon, Facebook, Threads, Spoutible, and BlueSky.
The Tim Corrimal Show is available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts. The show is also broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern and 7:00pm Eastern on Mondays as well as on Radio for Humans on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am Eastern and on Tuesdays at 7:00pm Eastern.
Music on the show:
Lauren Mayer – The Plainly Decent Plain Man From Plains
Lauren Mayer’s Website
Lauren Mayer’s YouTube Page
Lauren Mayer on Twitter
Lauren Mayer on Facebook
Lauren Mayer’s Bandcamp Page
Lauren Mayer’s Patreon Page
Lauren Mayer’s Merchandise Shop
The post Episode 772 – MAGA Civil War first appeared on The Tim Corrimal Show.