Jan 24 2023 5 mins
👉 pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/8dea4dc6-08c7-49fa-a12a-833dd7821719
reunion dinner 團圓飯
zodiac signs 生肖
immediate family 直系親屬
文稿 :
January 21 (Lunar New Year’s Eve): The big feast
A big family reunion dinner is usually held on Lunar New Year’s Eve, which falls on January 21 this year.
The menu is carefully chosen to include dishes associated with luck, including fish (the Chinese word for it sounds like the word for “surplus”), puddings (symbolizes advancement) and foods that look like gold ingots (like dumplings).
January 22 (Lunar New Year): Family visits
The first few days of the Lunar New Year, especially the first two days, are often a test of one’s stamina, appetite and social skills, as many people have to travel and visit immediate family, other relatives and friends.
Bags are stocked with presents and fruits for each of the elders’ and friends’ homes visited, who will shower the visitor with gifts and snacks in return after exchanging conversations over Lunar New Year treats.
Married people also have to give out red packets to those who haven’t yet tied the knot – both children and unmarried juniors.
January 24: Chi kou/Cek hau, or Red Mouth
Day three of the Lunar New Year (which falls on January 24 this year) is named “chi kou/cek hau,” or red mouth. It’s believed that arguments are more likely to happen on this day, so people will visit temples and avoid social interactions.
Every year, certain Chinese zodiac signs clash with the stars negatively. A temple visit is a good way to resolve those conflicts and bring peace in the coming months.
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