Sep 12 2024 63 mins 3
August turned out to be a hectic month for both Justin and me, which meant we couldn’t carve out the time to release a regular episode. But waiting until the end of September just didn’t feel right, so I came up with this bonus episode idea. I wanted to highlight some of the music I’ve been listening to recently, but then, as usual, my nerd brain kicked in. We always talk about our High Fives WhatsApp group, so why not bring them into the mix? With the help of our awesome WhatsApp crew, we’ve put together this special episode featuring tracks picked by the group and myself. Get ready to discover some killer tunes from bands like One if By Land, Hell Beach, Guardrail, Combat, Motion City Soundtrack, Carrion Spring, The Dwarves, Padre, The Corps, Massive Nightmares, Jon Snodgrass, Closers, Minoh, and Class Action!
#PunkRock #HighFivesPodcast #punkrockplaylist #punkrockpodcast #yycpunk #CalgaryPunk #Highfivespunkrockpodcast #ska #skapodcast #emo #orgcore #poppunk #newpunk2024 #BonusEpisode #Playlist #NewMusic #WhatsAppCrew #OneIfByLand #HellBeach #Guardrail #Combat #MotionCitySoundtrack #CarrionSpring #TheDwarves #Padre #TheCorps #MassiveNightmares #JonSnodgrass #Closers #Minoh #ClassAction