Switched on Pop: An Opulent Noire Spoof, with Overtones of Music Theory and Budget Will Arnett.

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Jun 28 2023 30 mins  

This week the Lower Street gang dons their trench coats and trilbys to investigate the podcast Switched on Pop and its recent episode entitled “Who killed the key change in pop music?”

This particular episode of Switched on Pop uses creative scripting and sound engineering to create a thoroughly tongue-in-cheek spoof of old detective dramas. Switched on Pop’s host, Nate Sloan takes on the character of Joe Treble - a private detective on the case of the missing key change in pop music.

Lower Street’s podcast professionals sit down for a little podcast feedback. They’ll discuss the episode’s gimmick and how it serves the narrative, dissect its production structure and guest choices, and have their opinions on key changes challenged…

The team also brainstorms more parody ideas (musical detective Columbo??) and muses about a future with a better podcast discovery algorithm. Like Youtube, but obviously not Youtube. Podtube? YouPod? Where’s Sean Parker when you need him…

This Podcast Book Club Episode is hosted by audio engineer Alex Rose, who is joined by podcast producers Zoe Anderson and Jackie Lamport, and audio engineer Alex Bennett.

Check out the podcast Switched on Pop and episode ‘Who Killed the Key Change’ here:


Want some further reading? Check out this article from Switched on Pop guest Chris Dalla Riva:https://tedium.co/2022/11/09/the-death-of-the-key-change/

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Podcast Book Club is a Lower Street Production. Lower Street provides next-level podcast production services for ambitious companies: everything from podcast strategy and creation to growth. We’ve worked with companies like BCG to develop multiple branded podcasts like Climate Vision 2050, BCG Compliance, BCG Fintech Files, and BCG In Her Element. We’ve also helped produce: Cadence Bank’s In Good Companies; HPE’s Technology Now, Zuhlke’s Data Today, Northern Trust’s The Road to Why, Zoobean’s The Reading Culture; ICR’s Welcome to the Arena and ZeroNorth’s Navigating Zero.

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