19 Descent into the Demon Webs –

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Sep 22 2024 36 mins  

In episode 19 Gan, Elenora and Gronk, and Corvus Dragonchoked are in the final battle with Lolth! Can they turn the tide before she wipes them all from existence?

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Lee is @MercurialJestr on Twitter, Twitch: twitch.tv/mercurialjester_ and you can hear his podcast, Peeves & Q’s and @PeevesQsPod on Twitter!

Dare himself is @Dareimagine on Instagram and “Tix” can be found on @paladintix on Instagram And Twitter

Rylee’s art is @1princessbeast on Instagram

Izzie’s art is @swampfiendart on Instagram.

“Penton” can be found on Twitter @PShallus

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