Mar 30 2024 127 mins
OMG, there’s a genius in Stoneybrook and it’s not Janine! Janine WISHES she was as talented as this kid. Meanwhile, we experimet with a pivot to audio drama.
On today’s agenda: mandatory Disneyworld representation; unspeakable crimes against God and nature; Chekhov’s Toupee; Karen’s son makes Esther insecure; leave Mckenzie Clarke alone; Alan Gray surprises and delights us; Uncle Andy’s Tar Machine; Claudia fails third-grade fox biology; an infestation of art pseuds; crosswords as a spectator sport; nobody needs to know more than one (1) cricket player.
Our theme song is ‘The Incredible Shrinking Larry’ by Matt Oakley and ‘Big Band Jingle A’ is by Lobo Loco, both on the Free Music Archive.
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