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Jun 06 2024 1 mins  

For More information about Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s

-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

Key Benefits:

Greater harmony in all walks of life
All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

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Contact: www.sriramchandra.in

Health and The Sahaj Marg :

And this is very useful, this system very useful for health also, I am telling you very good thing. And that question can be asked from you also, being a preceptor.
Well when thoughts are there, they consume blood. Thoughts, they consume blood. And when the thoughts are meagre, now that much, what do you call, blood you have saved, for other purpose. So that is preserved for other work. So the man becomes healthy in a way.
An engineer, he told me after 2, 3 years because, "I am very much healthy, since I adopted this method". It is useful for health also. Many diseases go away, I am telling you, I was cleaning one man, I did not know that he was suffering from pleurisy. But, it appears something like that, I said it may be grossness, let it remove. And I removed it and in the morning, he came, "I'm alright". In one night he was cured. And there are two such cases. This cleaning system, this of course takes out disease also.
And if you are , suppose a man is suffering from any disease of lungs or
so, anything, and he, along with it is , the diseases also go, going out. Then it will
work specifically on it, very useful for health also. Well I am telling you I'm 76 years of age, about. So I feel that I'm healthy.
Because that blood is not so much consumed, thoughts are not so many there.
That is a very good point for others to explain it.