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Jun 06 2024 3 mins  

For More information about Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s

-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

Key Benefits:

Greater harmony in all walks of life
All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

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Super-Consciousness :

B: The nature takes work from human being, because He has got no mind. God has got no mind, and the people have criticized me.
I said, "Suppose He has got mind, He must have formed the impressions, He
..., and now He would be also down ... in the world".
So of course I am being criticized, " You say God has no, God has everything". Suppose He has got mind, He will do either good work or bad work. Bad work He cannot do, because He is God. And good work, if He does that also, impressions is there, it is His law. Impressions is also there. And further to clear out that impression, He will come, He will be either fall ill or do ? something like that. He will, just like human being.
A: Could you say that God is a kind of superconsciousness? B: Hum?
A: Could you say that God is a kind of superconsciousness?
B: What superconsciousness . . . you have named it like that, I don't know word. I have not . . . . word, but I have coined myself. Superconscious state, super- superconscious state.
I fought with, I quarreled with Dr. K.C. Varadachari on one point of Aurobindo. And of course, of course he is a philosopher, when he - what do you call - convinced, when he ... Once he is convinced he will always on that point. He says supramental, can change the face of the world.

A: Face of the ...?
B: World. I said that Dr. said the same thing. I said, "No, it is impossible. Supramental nay, it cannot change, but the divinity itself". Not supramental. And he was convinced.
I of course said so many other things, he was convinced. And then he used to say, "Supramental cannot change the man". And I showed him practically this thing. (Hindi: I said), "Alright, so many things, I have said, and so many things you have said. Now you come to the real thing. Sit in meditation. And when I stop, then you must start, it will not be more than 2-3 minutes.
I said, I said, "Now explain". (Hindi: He said), "I'm now convinced. Supramental cannot change". I showed him the state of Supramental and after, now comes the Divinity, he have read it, he was very sensitive. He read it. He saw it and what I said he acknowledged. (Hindi: I said), "Alright now comes the Divinity, and see the difference". He said, "Now, it was right". So he always said, "Only Divinity can change the man. Not, not the supramental". Always he used that word.
Of course his death was very ˇ was loss of the Mission.