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Jun 06 2024 4 mins  

For More information about Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s

-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

Key Benefits:

Greater harmony in all walks of life
All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

-Free Meditation Trainings, Registration: : https://www.sriramchandra.in/traingf.php

-Audio Messages, https://www.sriramchandra.in/Isrc_audio.php

-Books https://www.sriramchandra.in/books.php

-Research https://www.sriramchandra.in/imperience.php

Contact: www.sriramchandra.in

First Sitting :

I remember, I was in some part of South India, and where I was staying his aunt came to me, and he (she) said, "I have meditated for 30 years on this point. But not a single minute passed in which I have got that peace". That is even mental peace was gone.
I said, "If you want to stick to your own method. Leave this idea, and you go on doing, without loss or gain. And if you want to follow method, of course this my method". "Alright . . .." ˇ So I was talking with some of my associates, and I gave this work to a preceptor of the mission, and I was talking. They might have been disturbed. Afterwards she came laughing, out of the room. I said, "Sister why do you laugh?" (Hindi: She said), "Today I got the result of my doings for 30 years". 30 years' practice brought the result today, not before that. Well, here I use the preceptors, preceptor was there, he was cleaning and doing everything.
Then I said, if this time, ? this. You see, whirlpool, in the river, just going round and round, this water going round ... If the swimmers catch into that whirlpool. What they do? They dive. They dive and on the ground they walk on. So in the same way, if this, this is my research work, I'm telling you. Here, this distributes the energy, what you require for the body, so that distribution is there, but every time it isn't. But it cannot be in that still state.
A: It cannot be in a peaceful state? B: Yes peaceful ?.
A: It has to work
B: Silent state, it cannot come because it is always moving ? But, what is the way of doing it ? Meditate on its ?, but I don't prescribe it. I'm telling you.
So meditate it on its bottom, where there is no, no more light.
Then it is correct.
A: Yes in the base there will be ?.
B: But it does not give good, so much good things as the heart gives.

A: Yes, yes.
A: I would, might say (Hindi: This means, these things are very much liked, giving satisfaction, and much nice things, but it also means, lots of difficulties, and discomfort is also felt. But if someone comes who's going on a pure path, which way can we go ?. ?)
B: (Hindi: I'll tell you). This is your house, this is your house. You also talk ... your friends, and you also talk . . . . your servant and . . . . And sometimes you feel in rage also, you become angry also, the same house. You do so many things. Sometimes, you begin to beat your children because they are quarrelling. So you live in the same house, you do so many things.
So when we are in the heart, so many things are there, you must do it. Do you follow me? That as you live in the house, you do so many things. So you are in the centre of the heart, and still you do something, you will have to do. But I'm telling you, the other thing.
This positive and negative idea, of course I do not know science. To move the positive, negative idea is necessary. To move them, without negative parts you cannot go. And here the negative ideas. Rage and something, these are negative ideas. So they bring some change. Therefore positive is moving now, and they bring some change. And suppose it is stopped. Of course, the progress is also stopped. But in the end, a man becomes changeless. Then there is no change. Even the sky falls down on the shoulders, he will not feel at all.