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Jun 06 2024 3 mins  

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-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

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Greater harmony in all walks of life
All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

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Rebirth-I :

Sri Aurobindo once said, that man is always born as man. (Hindi: I said), "This is absolutely wrong", wrong statement. If animality is there, and it develop. A man will be born as buffalo or tiger or an, other insect. That is master . . . , man is the master of his own destiny.
A: But an animal is not?
B: Animal is not. Because that sense is not there. That wisdom is not there. And so whatever they do, they do not form any impression.
A: So, once a man becomes an animal, he cannot go the other way?
B: No, man can become animal, because he can go down also, and go up also. He can also become gross.
A: Animal cannot go up?
B: Of course, they evolve, they evolve.
But according to their impressions, and idea, they take birth. So if the ideas
... For instance, I am telling you very bad example, eunuchs?They always play the part of the women. No, I cannot ? , I can dare say they can never be born as man, if that thing is very strong. Really you lead yourself to the next birth.
I differ so many with these thoughts. Aurobindo was very ... of course he was saint, no doubt. A very highly learned man, Sri Aurobindo was. He knew so many

languages, six or seven languages. And he can speak in, that language he can read, he can write.
He appeared in ? he was at the ? But horse riding was necessary, (Hindi:
... said), "Horse riding I will not do". I don't know he was fearing so much, then said, "Alright, you go", (Hindi: ... said), "That I cannot". He talked lists. And here in In, when in England he was ,... (Hindi: ... said), "Alright! Old English, I shall speak in." In old English he will speak. (Hindi: ... said), "Now, Milton English - all, if you want something, ", very able no doubt.
A: Whom are you talking about Master? A: Sri Aurobindo.
B: Sri Aurobindo of Pondicherry.
He wrote a book "Savitri Songs".
And that was said to be . . . . I mean French it wasˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ , translated in English also.
I have seen that book, of course it is a good book, no doubt about it. But you see, I think he has used the word which has got twenty syllables. And you will not find those thing in the dictionary also, coin so many word . . . .