Episode 627 – GM bucket list

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Sep 04 2024 37 mins   133

* (0:29) The bucket list of games we want to run.

* (1:31) Doug’s long-term campaign.

* (3:10) Wayne’s Fallout: St. Louis game.

* (7:03) Dan’s Battletech: Silver Scorpions game. A Fabian war.

* (9:37) Mary’s Castle Ravenloft / Curse of Strahd game.

* (12:41) Doug’s western game.

* (14:58) Wayne’s campaign based on The Quiet Year. Decuma and Home.

* (18:57) Dan’s Hunter game. Dayshift, watchable on Netflix. Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation.

* (22:39) Mary’s Mummy game. Spirit of the Century.

* (25:40) Doug’s Midgard campaign.

* (26:51) Whatever Wayne backed last on Kickstarter. Right now, that’s Planet of the Apes.

* (29:47) Dan’s Battletech: Solaris VII game.

* (33:36) Mary’s Oregon Trail (with dragons).

Hosts: Dan, Doug, Mary, Wayne