Nov 29 2024 38 mins 116
* (0:29) Switching to a bucket list of what we want to play.
* (1:30) Wayne wants to play Dresden Files.
* (4:13) Dan still wants to play an Injustice game.
* (6:11) Mary wants to play a necromancer.
* (9:05) Doug wants to play Stargate (or something like it).
* (10:18) Wayne wants a settlement building game. Rebuild 3 demands FTB-9000 compliance!
* (14:38) Dan wants to play ourselves. The End of the World.
* (18:08) Mary wants to play multiple characters.
* (22:25) Doug wants to play Greek mythology.
* (26:00) Wayne wants to play a Sliders game with plenty of alternate history.
* (28:50) Dan wants to play Battletech (plus Mechwarrior).
* (30:17) Mary wants to play a group of paladins (with strong nods to David Eddings’ The Elenium).
* (35:37) Doug wants to play assistants to Cold War spies.
Hosts: Dan, Doug, Mary, Wayne