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Apr 16 2022 89 mins   8
Judy Hooper Buonocore – Picture Credit, used with permission

I apologize for some of the audio. During our interview, we had internet connections problems. Sometimes she couldn't hear me, and sometimes I couldn't listen to her. I cleaned the audio up as best I could.

Today we're learning some of the techniques of mushroom foraging from seasoned mushroom hunter Judy Bunonocore. She shares with us how she learned about mushroom foraging. She offers suggestions on beginning mushroom foraging, cleaning and storing your precious finds, books, and mushroom societies that teach foraging here in the northeast, and so much more.

Laetiporus sulphureus (aka Chicken of the Woods) Picture Credit Google Images Creative Commons

Grifola frondosa – Hen of the Woods or Maitake – Picture Credit Google Images Creative Commons

Box of Maitake Mushrooms harvested by Judy and her husband Summer 2021 – Picture Credit Brenda J. Sullivan

Meripilus sumstinei – Rooster of the Woods Picture Credit Google Images Creative Commons

Wild Shiitake Mushroom- Japan Picture Credit Google Images Creative Commons

Trametes Versicolor – Turkey Tail (True Turkey Tail
False Turkey Tail – Picture Credit Google Images Creative Commons

Stereum ostrea – False Turkey Tail Picture Credit Google Images Creative Commons

Here is a simple way to distinguish between a “true” Turkey Tail and a False Turkey Tail mushroom. (source)

Look at the underside of the mushroom to see if it is entirely smooth. There are a few studies out there that suggest that Stereum ostrae (False Turkey Tail) may have some antibiotic properties (source). However, more research is needed.

Cantharellus roseocanus – Chanterelle Mushroom – Picture Credit Google Images

Judy's Contact Information

Join her Facebook group Learning the Witchy Wilds

Learning the Witchy Wilds Facebook Group

2022 Foraging Schedule For Central Connecticut

Click this link to learn more https://www.facebook.com/groups/743447006277225/events

Other Resources

Learn Your Land – with Adam Haritan
Learn Your Land is a media channel created with the intention to help you develop a connection to nature one species at a time.

Website: https://learnyourland.com/

YouTube Channel


Website: https://www.inaturalist.org/

Forager Chef
Website: https://foragerchef.com/

Phone Apps

Picture Mushroom – Mushroom ID

iNaturalist App

Mushroom Organizations

Connecticut Valley Mycological Society (CVMS)

Website: http://cvmsfungi.org/

Connecticut-Westchester Mycological Association (COMA)

Make sure you check this link. They have affiliation links to other mushroom organization around the US, Mexico and Canada.

Website: https://www.comafungi.org/

Judy's Book Recommendations

(Affiliate Links)

Mushrooms of Northeastern North America, by  Alan Bessette, Arleen Bessette, David W. Fischer 

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms, by National Audubon Society

Boletes of Eastern North America, by Alan Bessette, Arleen Bessette

Identifying Trees of the East: An All-Season Guide to Eastern North America, by Michael D. Williams

Show's Sponsor

Farm to Bath| Our philosophy is to live a locally focused naturally beautiful life, a lifestyle choice that is infused into the products we make. The ingredients are locally grown and/or acquired and are as basic and pure as nature itself. Each bar is full of fragrant aromatics that provide a rich moisturizing lather with no artificial colors or preservatives added – naturally beautiful!

Brenda J. Sullivan Books

My Garden Journal: A How To Garden Book For Kids| Gardening is a learned skill – everyone has to start somewhere, and a journal provides the best way to improve your gardening skills to ensure more successes and fewer failures.

The intent of this journal is to simultaneously teach basic gardening techniques while providing a place to record your journey with important information about the “how, when, and where” to grow food and flowers.

There are suggestions on themed gardens such as “A Harry Potter Garden”, “A Young Chef's Garden”, or a “Monarch Butterfly Superhero Garden” for budding Naturalists and places to either sketch or photograph your plants to remember their appearance for the next growing season.

You'll be amazed at how much you will learn by journaling about your garden!


A special thank you to Gene Tullio for writing and producing this music. He has given me special permission to use this song for the show.

Gene's music can be downloaded from Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify. For more information please contact him at [email protected]

Album: The Dreamship| The Forge Of Life| Copyright 2018

Social Media Links

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We would love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Living and Lovin Herbs Website: https://livingandlovinherbs.com/
Instagram: @livingandlovinherbspodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livingandlovinherbspodcast/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @Livingandlovin6
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuuHD-5N2tPYDbWwI4wzIJA
Thompson Street Farm LLC: https://thompsonstreetfarm.com/
Brenda J. Sullivan Books: https://brendajsullivanbooks.com/

The post Foraging for Mushrooms With Judy appeared first on Living and Lovin' Herbs.