Dec 30 2022 62 mins 1
Jake Kassan is a good friend i met back in college in Santa Barbara, California. I have always admired his drive, dedication, and success as an entrepenur and today we go a little deeper into what life was like after selling his multi million dollar company MVMT watches.
4:27 Jake speaks on launching MVMT
7:00 Kylie Jenner x MVMT
9:50 Fear of failure
11:15 Jakes journey with MVMT
19:30 Does money make you happy
21:03 I talk on Joe Millionaire & how being on tv doesn’t equal happiness
22:40 Finding yourself after a depression
26:57 Jakes advice on getting through a tough time
34:40 Dealing with your trauma
38:02 Advice to all our men out there
Instagram: @Jakekassan