Feb 05 2025 46 mins 1
Laura announces the DRI’s first retreat in the home of dream incubation – Epidavros in Greece. Twelve lucky people will join her and Sarah Janes from Dream Mysteries in May (see how to join the retreat link below*) for a full immersion in the ancient temple sleep practices for healing. Laura and Melinda run through the power of these ancient rituals before Laura interviews Sarah Janes about her fascinating work in this area.
Sarah Janes talks about how she became fascinated by the power of dreams during childhood and what led her from jettisoning her career as a US show promoter to become a specialist in ancient dream cults through the development of her work at Dream Mysteries.
Laura and Sarah discuss the beauty of Epidavros and how its magic is spell binding, especially wrapped around the myths and practices of the Greek healing God Asklepios.
Sarah Jane reveals how retreatants are often called by the God himself in dreams to come out to the sanctuary and how they find her online after such a dream. Laura discusses how the God turned up for her once in a spiritual workshop before she became a psychotherapist which led her to visit the site at Epidavros and, like Sarah Janes, the visit felt like a powerful ‘coming home’.
Sarah runs through what the retreatants will find at the temple and how the group will try out sleep hypnosis, purification practices, sound work and dream theatre work, in similar ways to the ancients who experienced dreaming there thousands of years ago.
The two dream researchers also look at a similar incubation project in a recreated oasis in the Egyptian desert and the links between the ancient Egyptian dream incubation practices with the cult of Asklepios in the Ancient Greek and Roman worlds.
*If you want to join them in May the Retreat Link is here:
Your dreams are worth inquiring about too! Share a dream or a question via our website driccpe.org.uk or the social links below!
Let us know what you think and submit a dream for us to explore on the podcast!
Sarah Janes at:
Insta: @sarahjanesdreaming
DreamBoat at:
Instagram @thedreamboatpodcast
FaceBook @dreamboatpodcast
Twitter @dreamboatpod
DRI website: driccpe.org.uk/contact
This podcast is a project of the DRI, the centre for dream studies at CCPE, the psychotherapy college overlooking the canals at London’s scenic Little Venice.
Remember you can join the DRI for just £30 a year currently to access discounted events, courses, newsletters and join in the conversation about dreams. Go to driccpe.org.uk/sign-up to join!
Keep dreaming, and keep sharing your dreams!
Recorded on Riverside.fm by Dave and Laura
Edited by James Ede at Be Heard https://beheard.org.uk
Podcast Artwork Design by Kat Seager Design
Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT
Music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8
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FB: @associationforstudyofdreams @dreamresearchinstitute