Series 4 episode 8 – Symbols we love!

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Jul 24 2024 38 mins   1

Dave and Laura discuss the power of symbols in dreams and explore the ones they have found most meaningful, personally and professionally.

Ultimately, the meaning of a symbol depends on the individual. They explore the idea of a private, internal language of symbols in dreams and the importance of understanding recurring symbols. They also discuss the concept of archetypes, symbols that transcend personal experience and become shared images within a global consciousness. Dave and Laura share their own favourite symbols and discuss the significance of landscapes, mountains, water, fire, and the elements in dreams.

Your dream images and symbols are worth sharing too! Share a dream via our website or the social links below!


symbols, dreams, interpretation, personal, individual, recurring symbols, archetypes, landscapes, mountains, water, fire, elements

Let us know what you think, and submit a dream for us to explore on the podcast!

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DRI website:

This podcast is a project of the DRI, the centre for dream studies at CCPE, the psychotherapy college overlooking the canals at London’s scenic Little Venice.

Remember you can join the DRI for just £30 a year currently to access discounted events, courses, newsletters and join in the conversation about dreams. Go to to join!

Keep dreaming, and keep sharing your dreams!


Recorded on by Dave and Laura

Edited by James Ede at Be Heard

Podcast Artwork Design by Kat Seager Design


Adventures by A Himitsu

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

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Insta: @onefulness @dreamresearchinstitute @iasddream

FB: @associationforstudyofdreams @laura.payne.33 @dreamresearchinstitute