In this episode, I am speaking with colleague and friend, Stacey Quade of Energy for Life Connection in Duluth, MN. Like many other herbal practitioners I know, she integrates energy-based healing into her practice recognizing the importance of mind, body, and spirit health. We discuss how other herbalists can choose what resonates with them concerning energy-based healing and implement this into their own practice. We also discuss teaching the community practical skills in herbalism and nutrition, and Reading the Body (a differential assessment technique to learn what areas of the body are needing focus and attention, and comprehend the tissue states of the individual). Join us to learn more about Stacey, her journey into herbalism, her future in herbalism, and her business.
Find more about Stacey at Energy for Life Connection
For more information about Margi Flint and her book "The Practicing Herbalist" along with the William Lesassier Legacy Project visit
I promised I would post information about the book "Blood Chemistry and CBC Analysis" by Dicken Weatherby, N.D. and Scott Ferguson, N.D here