Aug 15 2024 21 mins
What does it really take to hold both: being a badass CEO leading a successful company AND being a devoted, feminine partner?
This is one of the hottest conversations I'm having behind the scenes with many of my clients who come to work with me not just for business success, clients, and MRR, but also for growing their business in such a way that leaves them feeling spacious and nourished. So that they could prioritise love, family, sexuality, and their femininity.
I'll be very honest here: scaling my business while cultivating my sacred sexuality has not always been easy. I notice that the more responsibility I hold, the more my sexual desire wants to go out of the window. If I'm overwhelmed, it's easier to speak about my heady to-do list than to soften and devote my heart to Kevin.
One thing I've learnt for sure: if you're a feminine woman who cares about having both deep devotional, sexually polarized love, and a successful, structured, results-oriented business… you'll need a business that nourishes both poles too. The Feminine (somatics) and the Masculine (strategy). This is the very reason why I believe so deeply in the body-led business paradigm.
But the conversation goes even deeper than that. For many women, the boss babe era is clearly not fulfilling anymore. But they may not want to be full time housewives either. What's the solution? What would it feel like to be fully expressed in both your business and your devotion to love, without losing who you are?
In this episode, we’ll dive into how to build a life where we could go all in on both your love life and your business, holding both with grace, empowered both as a beloved and a CEO.
- My thoughts on the collective climate: from boss babe to full time housewife?
- The two extremes ambitious women face
- The shadow of the boss babe era
- Scaling a business as a feminine woman
- The fear that many ambitious CEOs face in relationships
- Beliefs that hold feminine women back in business success
- How to hold responsibility in biz & cultivate sexual desire?
- AUDACIOUS CEO Retreat 21-22 AUG → 2 day retreat to lead from your natural authority & translate your most audacious expression to dream clients and consistent revenue
- Velocity waitlist → join the 6-month somatic business mastermind if you're ready for 6 / multiple 6 figures & big success that leaves you wealthy not just in money but also in spaciousness & ease
- Genesis waitlist → join the 5-month business accelerator if you're desiring to build strategic foundations for a truly successful & profitable business that will stand the test of time (for entrepreneurs currently making $1-3k per month)
- FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all
- Say hi to me on Insta