Dec 02 2024 98 mins 1
Better late than never, right? At long last here is the final episode of the show. We analyze the movie list with some fun categories, such as our favorites, movies we didn't click with, and a few others.
Way back in Episode 001, we each talked about our favorite movies at the time. Since so much time has passed, we decided to make new favorites lists and see what has changed, and if our little podcast had any impact.
Lastly, we get mushy and reflect on the show, our friendship, and what we've been watching over the last few years.
If you've ever listened to this show, thank you for doing so. I appreciate you spending your time with us, and I hope you had fun along the way.
Watch more movies!
Breaking Down the List - 3:36
Personal Favorites Update - 53:09
Looking Back - 1:25:55
Produced by Andrew Padula