Jan 28 2024 50 mins 6
This week I'm excited to welcome Chad Price to the podcast. He is a serial entrepreneur with over ten years of experience in multiple industries. His most notable company, Kettlebell Kings, was started from scratch and now it is a multimillion dollar, Fortune 5000, and international company. He is also a former student athlete that graduated from Rice university with an extensive background in all sports. Additionally, He’s a Hemp and cannabis advocate that owns a lifestyle brand, Life Grows Green, which promotes health and wellness using all natural ingredients and hemp products.
Some questions asked during this episode:
- Why should we pick up a kettlebell in the gym/home?
- Can I get a whole-body workout using just kettlebells?
- How long should a typical kettlebell workout take?
This week, I'm excited to welcome Chad Price to the podcast. Chad is an athlete, entrepreneur, author, and founder of Kettlebell Kings, the number one supplier and community in the kettlebell space. In this episode, we discuss why you should consider including Kettlebells into your workout, the best way to use them, and the quickest way to get the results you want. Over to Chad.
Hey, guys. This is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Chad Price to the podcast. Chad, how are you mate?
I'm doing great today. Thank you for having me.
No, look, thank you. Thank you again for sharing some of your time. I know you're super busy. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work or your companies, et cetera, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.
Sure. My name's Chad Price, currently, the CEO of Life Grows Green and my consulting agency, Price Digital Consultants. My background is in athletics and sports. After I graduated from Rice University, I started a company... I started several companies, but my most notable company is Kettlebell Kings, and that was a 10-year journey that I just culminated at the beginning of 2022.
And then, I wrote a book about that journey and starting your own business called Preparing for Battle and trying to help people get mentally prepared for what the next step is in terms of switching from entrepreneurship. I mean, switching from employee to entrepreneurship or transitioning from college or high school, wherever that is, and going into the entrepreneurship journey, having the correct mindset of doing so.
Fantastic. Wow, what a journey. It sounds like you're muscled up and ready to attack pretty much anything. So, I'm keen today to touch on the kettlebell side of things because I know that it's not very often that you get to talk to a kettlebell king and you'd be one of them, right? So, and also, cognizant of the hemp and CBD stuff, very, very interesting. But we live in Australia, and so that's a no-no for us, unfortunately at this point in time.
So, I thought we'd dial into your journey with Kettlebell Kings and just kick off for our audience in terms of no doubt, we've all been to the gym and we've seen the rack of kettlebells, but they're next to the dumbbells. They might be next to the resistance bands, which are next to the free weights, which might be next to the assisted machines. Why should we pick up a kettlebell?
For full interview and transcript: