Dr Jack Kruse - Decentralized Medicine

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Nov 21 2024 81 mins   22 1 0

This week, I’m excited to welcome Dr Jack Kruse. Dr Kruse is a board certified neurosurgeon, health educator, and proponent of unconventional health and wellness practices. Dr. Kruse's philosophy often challenges conventional medical approaches, emphasizing the importance of natural living and reconnecting with ancestral health principles. In this episode, Dr Kruse explains the current state of play around decentralised medicine.

View all episodes at www.thehealthsessions.com.au

Learn more about Dr Jack Kruse at https://jackkruse.com

Episode Transcript:

Stuart Cooke (00:01.252)
Hey guys, this is Stu from the Health Sessions and I am delighted to welcome Dr. Jack Cruz to the podcast. Dr. Cruz, how are you? Yeah, I'm very well, very well indeed. Very excited to have this conversation. But first up for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it you could just share a little about yourself, please.

Dr Jack Kruse (00:08.76)
Pretty good, how about you?

Dr Jack Kruse (00:21.976)
Yeah, I'm a board certified neurosurgeon in the United States. I have been living in El Salvador for the last four years. When COVID hit, I began to question a lot of the things that were present, and I decided to unretire, go back and do trauma call to see if they were lying to us or not. And I found out that they were. So then I decided to do something about it.

and I wound up presenting to the Bukele administration in El Salvador and they shared some of their country-wide data with me and things that they were facing. And they asked me, what did I think was the solution? And I told them, I think you need to have a constitutional amendment put into your constitution so this would never happen again. And I think you need to re-educate some of the people in your health ministry, I think.

You need to educate the doctors. You need to tell people the truth. You need to have freedom of the press. You need to embrace freedom. And this was an easy message for Bukele because he gave his people freedom almost as soon as he got elected the first time in 2019, 2020 made Bitcoin legal tender. And that basically returns freedom back to people and their, and their money. So since he did that first, and then he cleaned up

the crime problem in the country, fixing the next problem actually was pretty easy. The real hard part, since you're Australian, I can imagine you know this because it's still going on in your country, that you can't get even people to admit that there was a problem with COVID. And if you can't admit there's a problem, you can't solve for X. And that's kind of where we're going. And then after me helping President Bukele, then...

Stuart Cooke (01:59.77)

Dr Jack Kruse (02:16.854)
that information started to bleed into Bobby Kennedy's vice presidential candidate, Nicole Shanahan. And then Bobby called me about the law and then they started to use the law in their campaign. And then next year, know, this summer he joins forces with Donald Trump and then Donald Trump has got the message now too. So I would consider myself more of a lethal pathogen for probably the COVID narrative than most other people that you could probably have on.

Stuart Cooke (02:45.957)
Fantastic, wow, that is quite an introduction. And very interesting times ahead. Let's see what happens. mean, game on. Everything that we've been speaking about in the counterculture world of health, wellness and human performance is about to take centre stage. So really, really interested. So coming from a traditional medicine background into being one of the...

one of the leaders in the biohacking and wellness space now. How do you look at traditional medicine right now?

Dr Jack Kruse (03:16.664)
Traditional medicine is like a sweet on the Titanic. They would like to renovate it and I would like the boat to sink. Why? Because we've gone past the point, you know, it's like a patient with metastatic cancer in just about every Oregon. You know, the time to fix it was to do the prevention earlier, but you have to realize that

Stuart Cooke (03:26.829)

Dr Jack Kruse (03:42.636)
The people that control big pharma really are the bankers. It's a, it's a very big story. And when I mean big, complicated because it's a Leviathan to know where all the missing pieces and parts are, you know, it take a lot longer time than you have allocated to talk to me. But in the last, I would say six months in the United States, I have been doing a ton of podcasts. Why? Because people in the United States, unlike probably Australia, unlike

Canada, unlike Europe, they're ready for this discussion about really what happened. And I think, you know, the people in the States voted that way on November 5th, that they were sick and tired of being lied to. And we didn't go down the path that, you know, Canada went, you guys went, Europe went, or even places like South America went. We decided that we're still for the freedom of speech.

Stuart Cooke (04:16.12)

Dr Jack Kruse (04:42.456)
And we're still fighting for the truth. We're not going to have digital IDs or we're saying right now that we're not going to have central bank digital coins. But I don't know if that's going to be true or not. I think there may be a path to that because the people that truly control the United States, which are the bankers and the industrial military complex, may have different designs because effectively, you know, what Trump

and Bobby Kennedy are bringing to the table right now, really is the vaccine for Big Pharma. It's really the vaccine for the bankers. It's quite a lot to swallow. And like I said, one of my good friends in this story, Kevin McKiernan, who's the person that found SV40 in the jabs, said it's kind of like expecting Trunk and Bobby to go into the Death Star and somehow make Darth Vader nice. I don't know if that's really possible.

But I certainly think that it's worth an opportunity to do it. I think other places in the world have actually got collateral effects from COVID. And that's actually what the people who were doing this, the Agenda 201 people, the WEF people, I know there's a lot of people in Australia that are now really fighting hard against this. But you guys already got digital ID. You guys are.

are headed towards a CBDC. you know, basically they're interested in making us economic slaves on the plantation. And it's kind of the way in which they've done it is, I'm going to tell you, it's brilliant. It's a brilliant plan. It's been crafted over 120 years and they've done small little changes, insidious changes that you're like, come on, this isn't that bad. But when you add the whole collection up,

you know, it's not a good situation. And they've used medical tyranny to pull it off. They've also used financialization, you know, through rehypothecation of money. That's actually the base problem for every country, including my own. And it's actually the base problem that was here in El Salvador. But El Salvador was the one country who started to reverse this trend because during their civil war,

Dr Jack Kruse (07:09.292)
that the United States CIA effectively started, you know, 30 years ago, they lost their fiat currency called the Cologne and they started to use, you know, U.S. dollars as their economy. So they're completely, you know, dollarized and that creates, you know, a huge problem. when Bukele got in and broke the cycle of corruption that was down here, the first thing he did was, I'm going to give my people a parallel monetary system.

that's not tied to the Federal Reserve. And I don't think people like all over the world realize how big a thing that was. And believe it or not, that's actually what got me to come to El Salvador because I realized that this type of maneuver was like what George Washington did for the United States where was, but Kelly was like George Washington on steroids. Why? Most people don't know the history.

of the United States well enough, especially you guys, since you're a commonwealth. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote in Federalist Papers before our founding documents were done. They actually had fights with each other and a guy named Alexander Hamilton, which you probably heard. And Jefferson was ardent that the biggest problem with the Bank of England was that their level of usury.

and also the way the bank handled business. And he said that no government will ever be successful if you allow the bankers to have this level of control. And Alexander Hamilton took the other side and said, well, that's all well and good, but if you're to create a country like we're trying to do here in the United States, you still have to have a monetary system. right now, going back to the Magna Carta, the Britons have done a pretty good job for about 1,000 years.

Why don't we just roll with that until something comes up? And we didn't have a better form of money, you know, at that time. But the funniest part of the story is when Jefferson becomes president after George Washington, his vice president, Aaron Burr, kills Alexander Hamilton in a duel. Like this problem has not gone away in the United States. And I would say to you, it went all the way up into the Bitcoin Nashville event in

Dr Jack Kruse (09:29.816)
You know, July this year, when you had both Trump and Bobby, when they were both running for president, both of them said that they were about making Bitcoin a reserve currency to back the US dollar, you know, to make it affect how it used to be prior to 1971 when it was backed up by gold. And that's a good step. You know, for me as a Bitcoin maximus, it's not what I want to see. But is that a really positive step?

you know, for the United States, yes. If it's a positive stuff for the United States, when we do something, everybody else usually follows. The interesting part is, I don't think Britain is gonna be doing that now because what did they do in their election? They voted for a version of Kamala Harris with a penis. That's called pure scarmor. And generally what the UK does, that's what Canada does, that's what Australia does. And a lot of times the same thing is true with Europe.

But this is the first time I can tell you, think, maybe since World War I, when the United States and Britain have gone two different paths. Trump is radically different than King Charles. And in a good way, King Charles is trying to bring the UK and the Commonwealth back to the Dark Ages, medievalism, feudalism, you know, some, I think you guys call it Fabianism, because it's a version of

you know, communism, but that's good for a monarchy. And, you know, I'm perfectly fine if the people of Australia, Canada, and the UK are cool with that because, you let's face it, you guys lived with it for a really long time. But that version of bullshit doesn't follow in the United States. Remember, we are the misfits that told the king to kiss our ass in 1774. So I can tell you that I am the latest iteration of that asshole.

in 2024 because I don't want any part of what England's doing. I don't want any part of what Australia is doing. I don't want any part of what Canada is doing. I like our founding documents. And this was the case that I made to Bukele in his basement. I actually had to teach him the story that Jefferson went through with a guy named Benjamin Rush. The only remnants that you'll ever hear about Benjamin Rush from anybody else, he was a

Dr Jack Kruse (11:57.706)
a doctor and a politician who is originally British. You know, he was born in the States, but he had lots of ties to England because remember, we're effectively British just like you guys are in the States. And what Benjamin said that we needed to put a constitutional amendment in our founding documents and the founding fathers who are writing these papers, they went back for 5,000 years and couldn't find anything in human history where

Medical Tierney was the attack vector to take a government down and apart. And Jefferson told him, he says, look, I think it's a good idea, but I just don't think that we can do this and do it well because it's going to slow our process down. And there was a lot of different things that went back and forth if you read the Federalist Papers. But I told Bukele the story, and that's when Bukele said to me, so you think that's the best plan of attack? I said, yeah, it is. Because if you try to use lawfare,

like having lawyers go after Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca. That's gonna be a giant shit show, especially in the United States. And the reason why is most people don't know this, and I know you guys are just waking up to this, but who is the distributor of the jab? It's the Department of Defense in the United States government. It wasn't Big Pharma. Big Pharma acted like the local street dealers that sell cocaine on the streets.

The guy who is the big cartel in Columbia selling the jab is the Department of Defense. This came directly from a bio weapons program that I laid out on some of the podcasts that I had told you about earlier. The specific one is the Danny Jones podcast where I really let it all hang out. And when you find out that the original SV-40 problem showed up in 1951 through 1957 in the polio jabs by Salk,

And now we have proof positive that they're present in the jab. 75 years later, you gotta ask yourself a question unless you're completely brain dead. How does, how does SV 40 wind up in the first generation of the polio vaccine and now in these brand new, supposedly cutting edge vaccines? Well, the reason why is because the program isn't what it was designed to be. It was a bio weapon that they decided to use at

Dr Jack Kruse (14:24.704)
a specific time to actually try to slow Trump down and get him out of office. And it was successful. And in the United States, the real big issue that happened was not only did they get Trump out, they were trying to manufacture, you know, falsified election. That's what January 6th, you know, 2020 was all about. Everybody thought that these people were trying to overthrow the government, but it was actually the opposite.

The government certified a falsified election. And we now know that. If I would have told you that three or four years ago, I probably would have the FBI and CIA knocking on my door. But now we now know that things were falsified in Arizona. We know that they were falsified in Pennsylvania. We know that it were falsified here and there. But it's four years later. You can't change history once the government certifies the election on January 6th.

They try to pin this insurrection on Trump, which was an absolute joke, but believe it or not, they've thrown a lot of Americans in jail over this issue. Like I know you guys in Australia, Europe, and Canada, you guys actually really bought the story hook, line, and sinker that these people were truly crazy and they were trying to overthrow their government. They were let in by the government. This was a government PsyOps. And it fits now with the narrative that we see

with the aftermarket data for the four years of COVID. We are the people for the rest of the world now overturning and putting Windex on all your glass eyes just how bad this really was. So I told people early on, this is before the jabs even were coming out, I looked at the patents of Moderna and Pfizer and I noticed something very interesting, that there was two legal definitions

in the Pfizer patent, one for BioNTech and another one for Pfizer. And I just looked at it and I said, this doesn't make sense to me. My initial gut feeling was that they were going to present one to the FDA and then they were going to use one that they were going to mass produce. So that way the FDA wouldn't have all the true data. And since vaccines are protected in this 1986 law, that's horrible that we have, they could unleash this as a giant experiment.

Dr Jack Kruse (16:47.5)
to get the jab out. I told people, I did a documentary with Robert Malone and Robert McCullough, who are two doctors here in the States that you probably have heard of. And that had to be behind a paywall because you can imagine at that time, the things that we were saying were pretty controversial. Now I was the least controversial person in the movie. Why? Because I didn't really talk too much about medicine. I talked about these two legal definitions at length.

And why was I doing that? Because I knew the story in detail more than anybody knew that I knew. Now people know it because I unleashed that story on the Danny Jones podcast. And I felt that they were going to put SV40 in one of the jabs. Why? Because their development team at Pfizer wasn't as advanced as Moderna. Moderna was using an E. coli vector, which I could see in the patents. made sense to me.

you know what they were doing. I still thought it was a bad idea because it didn't have any proper safety testing. But I didn't have as big a problem with Moderna as I did with the Pfizer thing. And that's what I said in the documentary. So here we go till 2022 and all of a sudden, this guy, Kevin McKiernan, for those of you in Australia who don't know him, you need to know him. In fact, he just came out on the Danny Jones podcast because I hooked him up with Danny Jones to get

his end of the story down because the aftermarket data we have now is even more devastating, probably even more devastating than you know in Australia because something just got published that he did, which we'll talk a little bit about. Kevin got two vials of Pfizer jabs from two lots, tested them in 2022 and found out that the SV40 promoter was in it. He published that information on Twitter. And of course you can only imagine what happened on Twitter at that time.

everything exploded, everybody that was on the opposite side, the Biden and Kamala Harris side, the Operation Warp Speed people, the big pharma, they're like, this guy's full of shit, we don't believe him. It got so bad that one of the molecular virologists who is part of the evil empire, or the dark star as we talked about before, he said, I'm gonna prove him wrong, I'm gonna do the test myself. His name's Philip Buchholz, he's at the University of South Carolina, very accomplished.

Dr Jack Kruse (19:16.856)
virologist who works and has lots of grants with the federal government. Lo and behold, guess what he found? He didn't prove Kevin wrong, he proved Kevin right. And to his credit, to his credit, I have to give him a lot of credit here, he immediately went to the state Senate in South Carolina and actually told the senators that this is a huge problem. Why? Because now we have to start to question other things that potentially could be going on. Because at that time,

The initial pulse in the aftermarket data is that I think everybody everywhere in the world knew about the myocarditis story. We knew about the clotting story, but we had just started to see there were several people with several locks that were getting cancers who had no history of cancer at all. And they were getting not minor cancers. These were stage three and stage four cancers in very young fit people. Remember, we were all told the lie that all the fatties were going to die.

And it turned out that also was a lie early on. The fatties weren't the ones dying even in the hospital. The people who are dying are the people who getting Tony Fauci's drugs and the people who got intubated. It actually was the hospital algorithmic medicine treatment, you know, that the people in big tech and what we call HARPA, which is a version of DARPA, those are the people that are Silicon Valley connected healthcare folks.

came up with these algorithms to treat people with and it became obvious something was going on. So you remember when we started this podcast, I told you I was effectively retired. And when I started hearing all this story, you can only imagine Uncle Jack said, I'm going to check into this bullshit big time. So what did I do? I go back and start volunteering to do a week of trauma call and I'm spending time in the ERs and spending time in the ICUs because that's what neurosurgeons do. So I got to see the sickest of the sick.

Stuart Cooke (20:55.641)

Dr Jack Kruse (21:15.352)
And lo and behold, what did I find over two years between actually two and a half years, 2021 through 2024? I was averaging 13 clots and at least eight to 10 cancers in a week that would show up in the hospital. And most of those were in vaccinated people. The most amazing part of my observations is that there was no unvaccinated people.

that were afflicted by these problems. Like people who just had regular COVID, this truly was like the cold or the flu. And these people never sought care in the ICUs. They came to the ERs, but the ERs would send them out. They wouldn't do anything with them. The people that got admitted, they got put on these algorithms that the hospitals did. And it turned out the hospitals were incentivized by

CMS is the government version of healthcare that pays for things and the government would pay for things that they wanted done. They wouldn't pay for the things that shouldn't get done. That's where you heard nobody would let us use hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin. They wouldn't let us use methylene blue. They wouldn't let us use vitamin D. And it turned out all those things for the people that were in the ER that went home, they did really well. In fact, that's actually what Bukele found. Bukele found

within two months of doing the jobs, they started to notice a problem. So what did he do? Even through his own Twitter feed, started telling people, we're going to give you little bags of goodies in it that had a lot of these off-label medications. And they didn't have a huge problem. It turned out the people that got admitted and wound up having to go into the ICU who were getting drugs they shouldn't have gotten and got intubated, those are the people that died. And the story

continued to get worse. Why? Because we started to see the pulse of the serious stuff, meaning these turbo cancers, the spike in the data went straight up. And for you guys in Australia who don't know this, there's a guy on Twitter that you should follow. His name is the Ethical Skeptic, at Ethical Skeptic. And he is a former Navy intelligence officer in the United States. What did he start doing?

Dr Jack Kruse (23:40.856)
He's good with numbers. So he started to post many different things and to show how the CDC, the FDA, and everybody was lying through these numbers. And when I saw this, plus I had my observations of being in the hospital, that's part of the reason when Bukele tapped me in 2023 to write this law. I said, you can't fix this problem in the United States with lawfare. And that's when I found out that El Salvador had assigned these special agreements with

the drug manufacturers because guess what? El Salvador doesn't have a 1996 vaccine protection law. Turns out Australia doesn't either. Neither does Europe. Neither does Canada. So guess what? This should tell all of you in those countries that the politicians who were in charge at that time, they signed those documents with them. That means they're all technically a path, a legal path in your country to actually go after them soon.

But this is only if the politicians aren't crooked. And it turns out in Australia, we found out they're as crooked as all get out. know, the chick that was in charge of New South Wales, she was being paid off by Fisler. We know that. So, and we also know how serious the lockdown effect was, you know, in Canada and Australia. I think you guys probably had it way worse than we did because remember, as Americans, we didn't put up with too much.

And I can tell you what I did. I closed my clinic in Louisiana and moved to Florida where DeSantis was. It was business as usual. I was on the beach the whole time, you know, during COVID. And we didn't give a shit. We actually laughed at you guys. And here I was getting on planes and going to states where the COVID situation was bad. And I was actually able to go see what was happening in different areas.

And of course, then I started talking to other doctors in the United States to see what their experience was. And what I found out is the zip code of where people were linked to the ideology and the politics of a specific policy. And it was much worse when you were around people who were, how shall we say, left-wing progressives, where they were taking freedom away much faster, kind of like King Charles.

Dr Jack Kruse (26:02.316)
you know, has advocated through his, you know, good friendship with Klaus Schott. Like, you know, his famous saying is, you'll own nothing but yet be happy about it kind of stance. You know, that's kind of what the Mararkey was all about for a long period of time. And I noticed that the states that had politicians that are in power like that had the worst outcomes. And it turned out places that should have been bad, like for example,

One of the things that I did very early is I started to look at data in Africa. Nobody in Africa was getting any problems from this, even though the vaccines were given to them just about for free. But nobody took them because nobody got sick. And it turned out the ethical skeptic started showing that there was a lot of people in Equatorial Africa that were already immune to the virus. Why? Because that was proof positive the virus had gotten out earlier than anybody said.

That's when I realized that we were in a giant PsyOps. This was a bioweapons program gone wrong through a lab leak in Wuhan. And we knew the link in the States because we know the story of Fauci. We know why he had to go offshore because of 9-11, because of the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act has a provision in it that we're not allowed to do gain-of-function study in the United States. If you do, it's punishable by treason.

So why did the Department of Defense decide to give Anthony Fauci a 67 % raise a long time ago? Because he moved the bioweapons lab to both Wuhan and the Ukraine. Maybe that'll tell you why we have a Ukraine war going on as well, because we're protecting something that we don't want anybody else to know about. And all of this stuff starts to come free through Freedom of Information Acts. And we start to find out that his links

are to this cat in a place called EcoHealth Alliance. That's the guy that basically creates all the gain and function studies that get shipped over to the bioweapons lab. Then all of a sudden the story makes sense. The aftermarket data continues in 23 and 24. And it's very clear now when you look at it that we have huge problems not only with clotting and that's with certain jabs. Like all the jabs have different

Dr Jack Kruse (28:26.55)
diseases associated with them. And we now know through Kevin McKiernan's work, because he's kept on this, when the turbo cancer data came up, he went to Germany and found someone who got four injections, four jabs, patient got colon cancer, the patient decided to have a biopsy done. Kevin was able to sequence the first tumor, then he did another biopsy a week later.

and then he did a postmortem biopsy. And what he was looking for was the sequence in the spike protein, the sequence in the cancer, was there intercalation of the plasmid from, you know, Pfizer in the tumor itself? In other words, are you a GMO person if you took this jab? And it turned out without a doubt you are. So that proved what Philip Buchholz was really concerned about when he went to talk to the centers in South Carolina.

because frame shift mutations are one cause of cancer. But the other big one is could these little plasmids that are in these jabs also show up? This made Kevin go look further. And then he found out that every single jab you get, there's 60 billion copies of DNA plasmids in each one. That's common to all the messenger RNA. See, SV40 is only in the Pfizer one. But it turns out, is there another nuclear bomb?

with the other Jabs and it is, it's that there's DNA plasmids all in there. How did many of the manufacturers hide the level of plasmids in there? They made sure that they put aluminum in their Jabs. Why? Because it turns out aluminum, they'll tell you it's an adjuvant, but it's really an agglutination effect that decreases the number of plasmids so you can get it through, you know, a regulator, which in our country is the FDA and I know in your country has a different name. And I know they're under fire right now too.

for some of the stuff that's going on in Australia. But this is how it went down. And this is exactly how they got the Gardasil vaccine approved in the United States as well. It was through this aluminum effect. So the question immediately came up, you know, for guys like me and Kevin, who started to communicate and also communicate with the ethical skeptic and many other researchers in the world. We're talking about Jay Badachari, Martin Kulldorf. We've all started chatting.

Dr Jack Kruse (30:52.652)
you know, and had our private conversations because we put this together better than the FDA, CDC, and the people in Washington, DC. We figured out the scam very, very quickly. And we started to say, these are the things that we need to start testing and looking for. We now know that in the spike protein of these German cancer patients who had colon cancer, there's sequences in there.

that are not attributable to the Pfizer vaccine. So you know what that means? It means one of two things. That means this came from somewhere else, another vector, like it's out there running around, or it came from the people who manufactured the vaccine in there, meaning that this can go through jump conduction. That's a really big problem because that means

that now we have a new problem to worry about. This is the latest data I'm bringing to you. It's only two weeks old. Okay, no one's talking about this. Like in the gain of function world, nobody knows what I'm telling you right now. I know nobody in Australia knows this. I imagine when you put this out, people's heads are gonna explode. But I can tell you that Kevin McKiernan just talked about this live on Danny Jones, which is the reason why I told Danny Jones to get Kevin on.

podcast because this is information that you're never going to get from the Department of Defense. You're never going to get from the CDC. You're never going to get it from the FDA. Why? Because this directly exposes the fraud and the problems that were present. And not only that, this now takes this vaccine story to a true next level. This means people who took the jab, not only they

potentially genetically modified humans, but they may be the source of many future pandemics down the road. And the diseases they get, this is the thing we don't know. This is the next level testing. We need to test every lot in every jab to see what the effect is because what we believe now is that people are gonna get.

Dr Jack Kruse (33:16.562)
certain diseases from different companies and different lots within those companies. So this is the reason why in the United States we see certain lots associated with turbo cancers. This is why we see certain lots associated with clotting. This is why we see certain lots associated with myocarditis. And this is the reason why we see people getting rhabdomyolysis. And we're starting to see another pulse now with people getting really nasty diseases.

called prion diseases, those are diseases neurosurgeons deal with, that's diseases like Jakob-Kreutzfeld disease or amyloidosis, okay? And autoimmune conditions. And the autoimmune conditions have really spiked up. We're starting to see a lot of cases of very unusual type one diabetes in people who shouldn't have it. And we're also starting to see some very unusual.

cases of neuroendocrine tumors and guts that normally we wouldn't see that are usually associated with people that have bad diabetes over a period of time. And we're also starting to see neurodegeneration happen at very rapid rates, meaning generally when someone gets diagnosed with a dementia, whether it's frontal temporal dysplasia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, any disease like that usually has a prodrome that takes, you know, a couple of decades to go.

These people are getting going from like mild cognitive delay to serious neurodegeneration. Many of the stories that you you hear in Australia, Canada, Europe, where people call it long COVID, it doesn't stay long COVID forever. Certain people get it, certain people don't. Our belief right now has to do with the changes in the lots that are there. So that means we need to start testing every single lot that's out there. Do you think

that that kind of issue is gonna happen in the United States where big pharma sits at the Cantillon effect? The answer is no. In fact, here's the real joke of the situation. Big pharma, those medicines haven't even withdrawn from the market here yet. At least, you know, the crown got rid of the AstraZeneca one. There was enough for NHS to say, okay, enough of this shit.

Dr Jack Kruse (35:38.672)
And Johnson & Johnson in the United States was really smart because they pulled their drug off the market themselves. I think they realized that this is a can of worms that nobody really wants to go through. And Johnson & Johnson has a very different vaccine than everybody else. They used an adenovector virus. They're not polluted with a lot of the same things that Pfizer and Moderna are. But Pfizer's risk right now, in my opinion, off the chain.

I really think that while we may not be able to get them by lawfare in the United States, even by some of the things that Bobby Kennedy will probably do in HHS, because of the vaccine law, because of the Dole Buy Act, which you may not know about, but that allowed guys like Fauci to profit off of taxpayer funded research, that's actually the incentive that dictate the outcome why Fauci

Stuart Cooke (36:15.822)

Dr Jack Kruse (36:37.794)
you know, was so incentivized to work with gain-of-function people and move it offshore because he made a lot of money. And we now know about a year ago, we found out that he got $440 million in royalties through the NIH and CDC. That money was then redeployed to other scientists that supported his criminality. So you can see that this is a giant conspiracy and we have a law that actually Bobby Kennedy's father

was important in writing. It's called the RICO statute. And when Bobby Kennedy Sr. was our attorney general when his brother was president before the government killed him, he's the one that came up with the RICO statute. It turns out, even with this 1986 law that's on the books in the states with the Bayh-Dole Act, there's no protection for these people from a RICO case. So guess what may happen? What may happen?

And I think this is where Bobby's going to go in HHS. And this is the reason why I think he's going to have a really tough confirmation process in the United States, even though the Senate is now, you know, weighted to the Republicans. You have to realize in the United States, there's a uniparty problem, meaning the DNC and the RNC has a lot of people that are being paid off by Big Pharma, kind of like what I told you happened in New South Wales. And I'm sure there's many people.

and many politicians in Australia, Canada, and Europe, who often has been paid off. We'll find out about this eventually, but that's not my current focus. My current focus really is what can we do to help these people that have been harmed by the vaccine? And that's really my focus, you know, in the future, because I'm the guy that understands the interplay between the nuclear genome and the mitochondrial genome. And that's what decentralized medicine really focuses in on.

And you have to realize Stuart that the system that you have in Australia, the system they have in Canada and the system in the UK and in the United States is centralized, meaning that no one will ever get to the point that these people are going to need who've been harmed by this bio weapon. And while I would love to jump into the fray on the medical legal side of things, that's not Uncle Jack's expertise. My expertise is understanding how do we keep

Dr Jack Kruse (39:04.098)
the genetically modified people in the world, how do we silence that DNA? There's no way we're gonna be able to get it out of our DNA. Like a lot of people are gonna tell you you can detox from it. That is absolute pure insanity. That's the kind of thinking that comes from not understanding truly the science behind it. That's what Kevin McKiernan is really good at explaining. So my goal is to teach people

the science that I've been developing over 20 years so we can help people. Now, do I think we're going to come up with new treatments down the road? Yes. So what would I like to maybe end this so you can ask me your next question? It's this is going to be much like the AIDS virus. When AIDS came out, it was a death sentence for everybody who got it. And then magically, slowly over time,

We did come up with something called protease inhibitors that actually has now made, you know, AIDS almost a non-issue for most people. But the problem is we had 20 years, 25 years of people dying from it before we came up with the answer. I think that we have a duty as decentralized clinicians to help the people in that 25 year span that's gonna happen between now and then. So that really is my focus. And I think

The focus that I brought to the table, at least in the United States, the last 12 months is I went from being apolitical to political. Why? Because I believe this story needs to get out. I believe people like you in Australia, the people in the UK and the people in Canada need to know the truth from the United States because guess what? We made you sick and you bought our bullshit story, hook line and sinker. So I believe

that my government has a duty to all of you to tell you the truth. And since my government is not telling you the truth, I'm going to come on podcasts and I'm going to fucking light their house on fire.

Stuart Cooke (41:08.482)
Boy boy boy. So much to unpack and I think we'll get lots of people scrabbling for the show notes as well to cut and paste names into browsers and to follow this path a little bit further. I just want to share a little bit of a story that happened to me last night in as much as I have had internet problems at home and I'm looking for a new internet service provider and I actually signed up

with the same one again but for a faster plan and I had to go through and enter credit card details and give them all of my details. And right at the very end of the conversation with the agent on the phone, she said, I'm gonna send you a link and this link will be for you just to finalise your digital ID. And I said, I'm not sure what you mean. I was expecting to give you my bank.

my bank details and my personal details, et cetera. And she said, no, no, you need to take a picture of yourself on your mobile phone. You need to scan some documents, your driver's license, your Medicare number, and that will play a part of your digital ID. And I said, well, no, I'm not very comfortable with that. I don't want to do it. So I think I'll just end. I'll end this. Don't worry about that at all. And she rushed off and went to her manager and came back and said,

Well, you don't actually have to give us your digital ID right now. You can go into the store afterwards. And I said, well, I don't want to go into the store afterwards. I'm not very comfortable with me giving you my details and building up a digital profile. I'm not going to do that. Does that mean I won't be able to access the service? And she said, no, no. You will be able to access the service. Perhaps you can do it in the future if you like. So hence,

I have my new internet plan, at least I will do at the end of the week. I don't have a digital ID. But that's just an example of a curveball that's thrown out perhaps to me as an unsuspecting and law-abiding citizen as part of the plan that I'm sure will develop into something much bigger down the line. So my question to you is that if we've been following the advice of the government and all the powers that be, and we're guided to what we put in our mouths, which typically will be...

Stuart Cooke (43:15.713)
a low-fat diet, lots of healthy whole grains. We go out into the sunshine. We're taught in Australia to slip, slap, slop, so hatch, sunscreen, avoid the sun at all costs. And now we seem to be in a little bit of a mess where we are getting sicker, we're getting fatter, children have diabetes, obesity, every autoimmune condition.

Dr Jack Kruse (43:38.456)
You also have the highest skin cancer rate in the world, just so you know that. No, it's not bizarre to me. It makes total sense to me. It's bizarre to you guys. Turns out the sun doesn't give you cancer. It's all the artificial light around you that does.

Stuart Cooke (43:42.357)
It's bizarre, isn't it?

Stuart Cooke (43:49.72)
But what if...

Stuart Cooke (43:54.446)
Well, I'm a British citizen, so I've lived for 21 years of my life under doom and gloom. So there was no sun. You may get a week in the summer, of which we called our heat wave. But now living in Australia,

And I've been in this health and wellness sphere for best part of a decade and a half, doing the complete opposite of what I've been told, in terms of what I'm eating and how I'm exposing myself to the sun. I'm drawn to it like a magnet every day and we get plenty of it. No burns, nothing of any of that sort. I've managed to dodge the medical system for best part of 25 years. I've only been into the doctors to get tests that I've wanted to, bloods and things like that. So my question to you is,

It seems almost impossible for Joe Public to be able to even conceptualise doing the right thing because they think they're doing the right thing, because they're following all the roles that we are told that the science and the doctors and the powers that they tell us to do. So where do we go?

Dr Jack Kruse (44:58.25)
everything they say you do the opposite. If you go and look at my Twitter, what does it say in the little circle? Do not comply. And I got news for you. Every, I famously said this to Rick Rubin and Andrew Uberman on a Tetragrammaton podcast that 99.9 % of things that I learned in medical school and residency are pretty much wrong. And there's a lot of reasons why they're wrong.

Stuart Cooke (45:00.279)
Yeah. Yeah.

Stuart Cooke (45:06.202)

Stuart Cooke (45:15.673)

Dr Jack Kruse (45:28.002)
But you have to realize that incentives dictate outcomes. The reason why you're told to do many of these things, like I've said this in the United States, I haven't said it too much in Australia, but I'll say it to you. Ask yourself this question, why do Bill Gates, ophthalmologist and dermatologist all want to block the sun? Because it's a great business model for them to be profitable. That's exactly the answer. And it turns out if you are not a dumbass Australian,

Stuart Cooke (45:51.416)

Dr Jack Kruse (45:56.554)
and you go out to the bush and you see, you know, the kangaroos running around and you see the birds out there. Notice they don't have sunglasses and sunscreen on, right? They go under a tree. mean, the kangaroos really smart. They actually lick their arms to cool themselves off. But they don't, they don't run away from the sun. And the interesting thing is even when you're under a tree, you still have all the light around you.

problem is most people in Australia now they go inside under these fake lights and you don't realize it turns out there's no light controls in any of the dermatologist studies. Like for example, when a dermatologist tells you that UV light causes cancer, you're actually allowed to believe that. You know why? You have a duty that the doctor didn't tell you that the study was done with UV light by itself. Let me ask you this question. Does UV light ever show up from the sun by itself?

Or does it have six other colors with it? Turns out it's got six other colors. And you told me you're a British guy, so you know the whole famous story about Newton and the prism, right? He's the guy that created the Pink Floyd album cover so that everybody knows there's seven colors from the sun. Well, it turns out, if you take UV light by itself, yeah, that's a problem. That's what the dermatologists hitched their wagon to. But here's the thing. They didn't tell you that red light is the antidote to purple and to blue.

Stuart Cooke (47:08.216)
That's right.

Dr Jack Kruse (47:22.488)
And here's the funny part. Anytime the sun's up, anytime the sun sets, red light's always present. And guess what? It's the most dominant part of the solar spectrum, of terrestrial sunlight. 43 % is infrared A or near infrared light. So when you begin to realize that nature has got the antidote for you and you have a government or a doctor or Bill Gates telling you...

No, no, no, we want to geoengineer our skies, want to geoengineer your eyes, and we want to geoengineer your skin. It shouldn't be shocking to you why they're telling you to do it. But I would fully agree with you. When I've been to Australia, I look at them and I think they are the dumbest asses in the world to not figure this out. Why? Because even in the dermatologist's literature that's published in Australia, it shows people that have all the skin cancers have the lowest vitamin D level.

If they dermatologists are right, it should be exactly the opposite. People that have the highest vitamin D levels, because you can only make vitamin D from UVB light, right? You know that. They should be the ones that have all the skin cancer. And it turns out every single paper that looks at this shows the lower your vitamin D is, the worse your skin cancer is. How do you like that? So when you think about that and you're wearing sunglasses and slip slather and...

Stuart Cooke (48:27.812)

Stuart Cooke (48:41.262)

Dr Jack Kruse (48:45.91)
all that other bullshit's on the side of your buses. It's no shock to me, actually the reason why you guys have that, but it's also the reason why you were very compliant with the government. Because guess what? What's the part of the story that no one in Australia has heard yet? It's what I talked to Danny Jones about. Turns out when you block the sun, you change the orbital frontal gyrus in your brain, dopamine levels drop, and you become more suggestible. That is a program that started back

in the United States, but really started in Nazi Germany called MKUltra. Then MKUltra was graduated to the Stanford Research Institute. Then it was graduated to the Brain Health Initiative. In other words, this is how the bioweapons program in DARPA, part of the DOD that also made the jab, how this all links together. And when you begin to realize that these ideas that you have in Australian medicine actually link to why

you guys all rolled up your sleeves and took the visor jab, then you begin to understand why Uncle Jack, know, 20, 25 years ago, everybody thought I was a crazy sob on the internet. I got news to you. It's amazing to me how less crazy I've gotten and how brilliant everybody thinks I am in the last four years because guess what? Just about everything I told people was coming, came and it happened. And right now, Uncle Jack's not just talking to Stuart.

Cook on the internet. He's talking to Bukele. He's talking to Nicole Shanahan. He's talking to Bobby Kennedy. And he's talking to Donald Trump. I'm also talking to people in different states about taking this law and putting on the books. Why? Because through the lawfare that's happened with Big Pharma, we've created a big mess in the United States. And as I told you before about going into the Death Star in the Pentagon or Washington, DC,

I don't believe that Trump and Bobby are going to be able to fix all the problems. Like, I know that most of you guys in the free world now are hoping that Trump and Bobby can do a lot so that that tsunami wave will come to Australia, come to UK, come to Europe and come to Canada to try to help you. I'm going to be, I'm probably going to be the bearer of bad news to you, my friend. I don't think that's going to happen. And I think Bobby is going to be hamstrung by

Dr Jack Kruse (51:14.258)
some of the powers that be that are linked to the bankers and Big Pharma. And we probably don't have a long enough podcast for me to explain how all these things link, but I can promise you that Big Pharma was the reason why the First Amendment was destroyed in the United States. Why? Because the money that they were able to use, were, Obama changed the law in the United States. It used to be against the law to actually have Big Pharma ads on TV. He changed that.

It's called the month act and it was changed I believe in 2008. Soon as they were able to do that, what did that do? Pharma started paying for all the ads on news media and that means the news media was incentivized to tell the propaganda story of Big Pharma on there. And if they didn't, they would just defund them and not pay him. So it turns out all the news anchors and everybody on those places, they all became shills for Big Pharma. In other words, they were just like the drug dealers on the street for the Colombian drug cartel.

That's exactly what happened. And this slowly happened from 2008 to 2024. So now when you put on like Fox News or ABC or NBC in United States, all you see is stuff for this drug, that drug, the other drug, you don't see like, you know, advertisements for kiddie food, because kiddie food can't pay their salaries. Okay. But Big Pharma can. And this is why I don't think you guys, you know, across the pond.

Stuart Cooke (52:34.593)

Dr Jack Kruse (52:42.124)
really understood how important Elon Musk was for the political process in the United States. Why? Because when he bought Twitter from Jack Dorsey, that actually, remember the first thing he did, he got rid of advertising, right? The advertisers all boycotted him. That was the biggest mistake ever because then Twitter or X, however you want to call it, became truly the town square in the United States. That's where people who were canceled under the previous regime,

actually got a voice back. And unfortunately, I've told people this and I don't think you know this and probably the people in Australia do. I was one of the few doctors that weren't canceled on Twitter. Why? Because Jack Dorsey was one of my friends and one of my patients. He followed all of my stiff. Why? Because he was a big technologist. You know that he owned Twitter from the beginning and he got sick from his own tech and he came to me to get better. This is the reason why he lives now in a place with a lot of sun.

and he does many of the things that Stuart, you do, and you understand the reason why, but what most of you don't understand in Australia and I think UK and Canada, and this is important for you here, this is gonna be a tough swallow for you. If you go look at the last Jason Bourne movie that was made in 2016, do you know why that Hollywood, the Harvey Weinstein and his friends made that movie? That was a direct threat.

to Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, either you're gonna play ball with us or we're gonna kill you. So guess what? Go look at the storyline. I'm telling you, I knew that. And how can I tell you that I knew? At the Bitcoin Miami event in 2021, Dorsey came to meet with some of my VIPs and told us then that he was gonna sell Twitter. Why? Because at that time he was getting called up in front of Congress all the time and they were talking about section 230 and all this and that. And he said, look,

I'm done playing ball with these assholes. you look at just what happened in the United States, did you hear Jack Dorsey say anything about Kamala or Trump? No, he was totally out the mix. He washed his hands of all that. But guess what? Elon Musk knew everything directly from Dorsey. See, many people think Jack's a bad dude. He wasn't a bad dude. Remember, he's 100 % Bitcoin maxi. He's just like what I told you about Boo Kelly in the beginning of this.

Dr Jack Kruse (55:07.532)
He believes in freedom of money and he realized that Twitter was a bad experiment gone wrong because his board was filled with all those assholes from Silicon Valley that I told you were behind the jab. Those were all the bankers that were tied to this. Like A16Z, these guys are the worst of America. Like we create really amazing products, but you have to realize there's a dystopian side of this side of business.

Stuart Cooke (55:20.185)

Dr Jack Kruse (55:37.66)
And this was really why I give Elon a lot of credit, because there's a lot of things about Elon I don't like. I don't like Neuralink. I don't like Starlink. I don't like being controlled from above, because I think DARPA is going to use that technology to do that to all of us eventually. They just haven't got to that point in the game yet. But what Elon did is he gave Americans that had different ideas the opportunity to speak.

And I can tell you that's the reason why the election went the way it went. I got news for you guys in Australia think that this was a landslide. I think it was even bigger than that. Why? Because we know that the Democrats did a ton of cheating and even with their cheating they couldn't overcome this because guess what? Americans are truly fed up with what went on. Like you guys think you're a little bit mad? Dude, you have no idea how pissed off.

people are here because we understand the scale. And most people are waking up to the stuff that I shared with you here about SV40 and the DNA plasmids and the 60 billion per shot. Dude, that's not even why Trump really won. He won because of all the shit with inflation, the open borders, and the global socialism that the people who are behind the jab, the people in the Department of Defense, they're all in cahoots with each other.

That's the stuff that you're dealing with right now with the world economic forum and the people that are in charge in Australia. All of these people got their marching orders from King Charles. Remember, King Charles has been, when he was the prince, he was up Klaus Schwab's ass from almost 50 years ago. And who was their best friend in the United States? Henry Kissinger. He's another guy that's tied to the Council of Foreign Relations. How far does this go back?

mean, look, you're a UK guy. You remember the whole story about the Pilgrim Society and the Rhodes Scholars. This all was stuff that came out after Queen Victoria died and the new monarch came in, which was King George, who was Queen Elizabeth's grandfather. His brother, you know this story very well. His brother, Edward VIII, abdicated because everybody wanted to talk about Wallace Simpson. No, he abdicated because the royal family

Dr Jack Kruse (58:02.156)
was part of propping up Hitler with their bankers, the Rothschilds. And we now know that. It's very obvious. And that's the reason why the king really had to step down. It got so bad in World War I that the king had to change their name from Saxe, Coburn, Gotha to Windsor. They took it off a castle. Wasn't even, you know, didn't even think about it good. And why did they do that? They had to do that because one of the guys from

Russia, who took over their land, shot and killed the Romanovs, which was the cousin of the king in England, also the cousin of Wilhelm in Germany. Well, they didn't plan on that. They didn't plan on killing him. But we now know that the Rothschild bankers at the time were the ones with the king that wanted the Romanovs put in jail in Siberia. Why? Because people always forget this.

This Bolshevik revolution happens in the middle of World War I. It's the craziest thing ever that you can have a revolution in a royal family and they were worried. But it turned out one of the guys of the three in Russia, that's Trotsky. Trotsky is the one that made the decision to kill the Romanovs. Guess what? Lenin and Stalin didn't want that to happen. They knew that that was going to create a huge problem down the road.

When you think about this as a Briton now, now I'm talking to you as a Brit and not as an Australian. Remember what the British Empire is all about. They're all about that imperialism and you are part of the Commonwealth. Well, in one stroke, you lost Russia. You lost the United States in 1774. So what was really World War II all about? It was about setting up

a bad deal for the Germans in the Treaty of Versailles so you can guarantee a second world war. That's really what happens. Why? Because the king wanted to bring the United States and Russia back into a war so they could regain a loyal title. And let me just tell you something. There's one thing you're going to learn about the royal family from this midfit who came from you in England, is that the royal family and their bankers

Dr Jack Kruse (01:00:23.82)
have screwed up the 20th and 21st century more than you can ever imagine. Most of the things that we're all dealing with now are because they want to recapture the lands that they lost and bring them back under British rule. And it turns out the one thing they've done, they've infiltrated a lot of the United States government with people who are still loyal. That's what the Council of Foreign Relations is. And who is the main group in the United States that

the Royal Family and the Rothschilds partner with. It's the Rockefellers. Rockefellers were richer than the Rothschilds and the Royal Family. So guess what? They brought them in. And then, magically, we got the Council of Foreign Relations. They're tied to Tavistock. They're tied to the Committee of 300. You got this whole story. And then, magically, we get the Federal Reserve, which is basically all of the families that were in Europe, now the big ones in the United States, who are also all ex-Britain.

Now they're all in bed together and go, hey, let's start this process in the United States to see if we can get back to the Middle Ages where everybody's on a feudal plantation and they're working for us and they're happy about it. That's just the marketing slogan that changed from the 1920s to 1973 and 71 when Kissinger and Schwab start the world economic forum. The process for the last 50 years, slow incremental changes to get us back.

to the one world government idea. That's all the stuff that we're talking about, all the health stuff, all the COVID stuff. That is the true metastatic cancer that sits at the base of this shit sandwich.

Stuart Cooke (01:02:13.032)
I think you're like the modern day magnum PI on steroids. What is it we don't know?

Dr Jack Kruse (01:02:18.956)
Well, just think, well, Stuart, this is what I will say to you, and hopefully this resonates with you and resonates with the audience. There's two type of people in the world, those that believe the government and then those that know the history. And it turns out when you know the history, you have to have one caveat. The victors write the history books, but it turns out the real history is still discoverable if you know what rocks to look under. And when

Stuart Cooke (01:02:46.328)

Dr Jack Kruse (01:02:48.286)
I started this whole process because people have asked me, how did you figure a lot of this stuff out? Well, it turned out my mentor in this whole thing, which is Robert O. Becker, who's a doctor in the United States who was canceled by the Industrial Military Complex over the effect of non-native EMF. Turned out when I saw how he was canceled, it was tied to the same story. And when he got canceled in 1977,

I met with him in 2007. He had 30 years to figure out who really did him wrong. And let me tell you something, if you think Uncle Jack is salty, you should have met this cat. He was truly pissed off. This guy was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize. So when I sat down with him and we shared notes, he casually warned me. He said, don't do anything crazy like I did and go on 60 minutes and try to tell the world the truth.

because the world will never believe the truth because they're in a propaganda of lies. And those lies were set up by the architects that I just told you about, the bankers, Big Pharma, all the corporations, all the people that BlackRock own in the United States, those are all the people that you guys are affected by too. BlackRock affects Australia, UK, everybody else. And the idea of BlackRock...

is you only have to have 5 % ownership in a company. Everybody else has fractional ownership. So effectively, this is the same idea that the Rothschilds used in 1812 at the Battle of Waterloo when they took over the banking situation. You they had better information than anything else. You don't have to own a company 100 % or 51 % to control it. If you control the finances, you control the country. And that's actually what Thomas Jefferson warned.

are people about in 1774. This is the reason why Thomas Jefferson was absolutely adamant that the Bank of England was filled with a bunch of criminals. And he was right. I mean, I hate to tell you this, but this problem has now persisted on for 250 years in United States. And I would love to tell you that we were smarter than the Britons, but we weren't. We use their system. And now the system is so broken.

Dr Jack Kruse (01:05:09.622)
and it's so slated to them, they're going, they think we're complete idiots. So they're trying to, you know, completely go back to the way it used to be. And that makes King Charles very happy. Makes the Rothschilds happy, makes the Rockefellers happy. Why? Because they're able to recapture everything. If they can get the United States, they believe they can eventually get Russia back. That should make you realize truly what's going on with NATO, the Ukraine and Putin right now.

It completely gives you a different spin on things when you look at what's happened in European, you know, world history here lately. And I just want to be the guy to tell you that I think if you focus on the history here, you'll understand more of the biology and why decentralized medicine is really important for you to follow from this point forward. Like the story that you told me about the digital ID.

I really appreciate it because it definitely ties into the story. I think every resident of the UK, every resident of Australia needs to follow your model. think what you said and that you weren't going to comply with this level of intrusion and surveillance is absolutely it. mean, look, we got a guy in the United States right now, Edward Snowden, who warned us about this and he's sitting in

in Russia being protected. If you don't think that this story resonates with people in the United States, you're crazy. And look, you guys have a guy that just got out of jail for WikiLeaks. And you forget what WikiLeaks was about. It was about turning all the state's evidence through WikiLeaks of all these connections that I'm telling you about now. And the crazy thing is they treated D platform, right? Through the bank. They got rid of his bank accounts through the Bank of England and all the banks in Australia.

Stuart Cooke (01:06:37.123)

Stuart Cooke (01:07:03.097)

Dr Jack Kruse (01:07:06.808)
So what did he do to continue to do it? He used Bitcoin. Bitcoin actually allowed us to realize that John Podesta, the Clintons, Jeffrey Epstein, all these people were all linked together. This is how a lot of this story started to come out, Stuart, so that the regular folk on the people in Main Street could start talking about it on Twitter. That people like Matt Taibbi, you know, dropped the Twitter files and everybody in the world was like, holy shit, Snowden was right. You know.

Julian Assange was right. Like this is no more, this is not a mystery Stuart. You know what the mystery is? Is that people all over the world are too busy watching Netflix, rugby games, soccer games, and doing Circus Maximus. It's the same story that we were told in Plato's Allegory of the Cave, that even when the slave is shown the truth, they're like, I'm gonna go back in the cave, just put my cuffs back on and I'm good. Most of you probably won't like to hear,

Stuart Cooke (01:08:02.956)

Dr Jack Kruse (01:08:06.038)
of just how much disdain I have for you. But that's the truth. I told the people the same thing in the United States before the election. I said, if you vote for Kamala Harris, you are the slave that's going back in the cave. And I'm not telling you that Trump's any prize package, but he's got less warts than the other person. And I think it's going to take a while for us to really get rid of this metastatic cancer. Organ by organ, we have to change it. But I'm hoping by doing a podcast like this with you,

Stuart Cooke (01:08:17.401)

Stuart Cooke (01:08:23.501)

Dr Jack Kruse (01:08:36.29)
that you can really understand how decentralized finance and decentralized health are linked together. This story is just like the medical caduceus that you look at. The two snakes are intertwined. And it's our job as the patient not to comply with fiat money, with bullshit CBDCs, when any kind of things are controlled, whether it's the internet company or your bank. Take all your money out of the bank. Don't leave it in the bank.

And I would tell everybody, I think if you're not in Bitcoin, you're crazy if you live in Australia. And not only that, I'd get another passport if I was in Australia. Because if the government doesn't treat you as they should, then you should treat them as you should. You you said something when you told us the story about your internet thing, and I almost interrupted you and I didn't, and I'll tell you why. We have a saying.

It's not insane. It's actually something Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Federalist Papers. He said, a government ever makes a law that is against natural common man, that you have a duty as a patriot not to follow that law. So Stuart, I'm going to tell you that you didn't break any law. You shouldn't be a law abiding citizen in Australia, in the UK, in the United States or anywhere else, because it turns out some of these son of a bitches are making unconstitutional laws.

Like they signed documents with Pfizer in Australia to mandate for you to take that damn jab. And now you know that what you just took. And if you don't believe me, if you're sitting in Australia right now, I'm tell you two stories. One that won't hit you too hard. The other one's gonna hit your heart.

First story is a lady named Susan Wojcicki. She's a co-founder of Google. She built up YouTube to be a big thing. That was a whole big story about MKUltra. She was very for the vaccines. Remember, she's a big tech person. Do know that she got adenocarcinoma and was dead within two years after taking the jab several times? So guess what? The boomerang came back and hit her right in the ass. OK?

Dr Jack Kruse (01:10:53.794)
So she died, listen to this, because I want everybody in Australia to hear this. She gets a nanocarcinoma. She's multiple, multiple vaccinated. Okay. She dies. Nobody wants to talk about it. You know, the cancer that she got is associated with cigarette smoking. She was a nonsmoker. Do you think that was published anywhere in the media? Anywhere? No, we can't, we can't talk about that. Can we? Now let's talk about something that's going to really hit you close to home. Kate Middleton.

How about Kate? Everybody knows the story now. Everybody hears all this, that and the other thing. Let me tell you what, that's another boomerang from Australia coming back to roost. And guess what? Maybe you don't need your wife when she's already given you heirs. did I just, did I just say something that offended the Royal subjects and the people of the Commonwealth Australia? Good, because you know what? Y'all need to punch in the mouth. You need to realize that's how nefarious these people are.

they will use humans as shields. And it doesn't matter how close you are to them, because guess what? It's a big club and you ain't in it. Not even Kate was in it. Not even Susan was in it. So let me just tell you something. It's about time the world wakes up to just how nefarious these people are. And I believe in this monopoly game, that if we all stand up together and say, we're not gonna take this shit anymore, I got news for you. We're gonna take King Charles.

We're going to take Klaus Schwab, we're going to take the Rockefellers, we're going to take the Federal Reserve, we're going take all the criminals in Washington, D.C., and we're going to wipe our ass with them. And we're never going to let this happen to us ever again. Why? Because now we know what the attack vector of medical tyranny looks like. Now we know what Benjamin Rush tried to tell Thomas Jefferson about. Now, in 5,000 years of human history, we have the

biggest PSYOP scam that you could ever imagine. This wasn't one country. This was every country in the world. So don't tell me that it can't happen. And don't tell me that lawyers in countries can go after and sue Big Pharma. Because guess what? Big Pharma wasn't the architect here. That was the Department of Defense. And I know you can't sue the Department of Defense. There's only one way to fix it. Constitutional amendment everywhere.

Dr Jack Kruse (01:13:21.876)
Every state needs one. Every province needs one in Canada. Every country needs it in the UK. And you guys, Queensland needs their own. New South Wales. Tanzania needs theirs, or Tasmania I should say. You know, all those different places in Australia need to have it. You need to start voting for people who are for freedom. If you say, well I can't vote for this guy because I believe in abortion, but I know he is for freedom for money.

you vote for the guys in the freedom of money. Why? You're not going to get the other stuff taken away. It's the same thing here in the United States. It's really about, I was a one issue voter in the United States. It was about Bitcoin. Because I know when you have Bitcoin and have freedom of money, what is that? That's the antidote to the bankers, my friend. They hate Bitcoin. They absolutely hate it. Why? Because this is a loyal title for the people that they can't control.

And guess what? That's the vaccine I want you all to get. Because when you get that, then Stuart and I can have future podcasts when we come down and talk about why wearing sunglasses is bad. Why, you know, putting the crap, you know, from, the sun cream places are bad. Then we can talk about, you know, fatty liver disease, or we can talk about exercise, or we can talk about diet. But right now, the biggest issue in the world is the issue that me and Stuart are talking about right here, right

Stuart Cooke (01:14:39.992)

Dr Jack Kruse (01:14:51.456)
Now, this needs to stop.

Stuart Cooke (01:14:55.117)
Fantastic, fantastic. This is going to be another one of those episodes with Dr Jack Cruz that you rewind and listen to and rewind and write notes. I listened to your conversation with Rick Rubin, I think it was a double episode on Tetragrammaton, about three times because there was so much information in there that I wanted to understand it to the best of my ability.

again and again and again and again. So I really, really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and I encourage everybody to rewind and listen and take notes and then apply. So thank you so much. Dr. Cruz, realize that time is of the essence at the moment.

How can all of our listeners get more about you? And where would be the best place to start? Because I know that you've got lots and lots and lots of conversations on many different platforms. But I really want them to dial into just the nuts and bolts of your work.

Dr Jack Kruse (01:15:51.768)
Well, I think the easiest thing to do is, you know, I've done hundreds of podcasts at this time, so you can put my name in and do a Yandex or a Google search. Like I tell you not to use Google because Sergey Brin and me are, how shall we say, not on great terms. I just spoke at a adopting Bitcoin conference in El Salvador. I'm kidding you not. I got to tell you this story. So I was a keynote speaker at 420 PM on two days ago.

And the live stream on YouTube went off only when I came on. That should tell you something. So, what I would tell you is those start with the free stuff. podcasts, I would tell you if you have a disease, you want to learn about it, put my name in a search box with the disease. You'll get that on social media. My social media handles the same everywhere. It's at Dr. Jack Cruz, whether it's Instagram, LinkedIn. I think on LinkedIn, I have like 200 articles. They're free. You can search them.

Stuart Cooke (01:16:23.927)
Yeah, yep.

Dr Jack Kruse (01:16:49.878)
My old website, which is jackcruze.com, has tons of free blogs. That covers probably the last, I should say the first five or six years when I started doing all this and teaching people decentralized medicine. But the real good stuff is on Patreon. Patreon is a website that's protected. It costs five bucks a month. So if you don't think I'm worth five bucks a month a cup of coffee, don't do it. But I would tell you, don't do that until you go through the free stuff. Then on my website,

I have a form where you can go read all the stuff that I told Stuart today about all the real history. It's on there. I blow all this up. there's tons of medical information on there. This is absolutely free. You don't have to do anything. You do have to register. I would warn your members here recently. Don't use a Gmail address because if you do, Sergey doesn't like people come in. So use proton mail and then you can get in no problem.

And like I said, if you decide you want the high level stuff, like some of the stuff Stuart mentioned about the Tetragrammaton podcast with Rick Rubin, I have series 78 blogs with sites from medical literature on all that it'd take you literally 10 years to probably read all of my stuff, probably at least five years to read the free stuff. But I want people to know I'm not really interested in your money.

I'm interested in teaching you how to think. And the way you think will determine whether these people are able to afflict their propaganda into your head. I don't want that to ever happen to any of you, but I want you to know the truth. The truth will set you free. Martin Luther King was right about that. But you have to realize it cannot be the truth that was sold to you in a history book. You have to know the real truth, and you have to listen to people.

who you verified are telling you the truth. Everything you heard me tell today to Stuart, I want you to disbelieve. I don't want you to believe a single thing I said. I want you to verify everything. And when I do verify it, then you have one, you owe me one thing. Go tell somebody else. That's it. Because that's how we changed the game. It's all of us standing up and throwing the Monopoly board out and saying, we're not going to live in the world that these global elites want.

Dr Jack Kruse (01:19:17.676)
We want to take back our power and we're never going to give it back to them ever again. We will never trust them at any level.

Stuart Cooke (01:19:28.427)
Unbelievable, fantastic conversation, can't wait to share it. Thank you so much Dr. Cruz and I hope that we have the opportunity to sit down at some stage in the future and I wish you the best. Thank you.

Dr Jack Kruse (01:19:33.56)
All right.

Dr Jack Kruse (01:19:38.968)
All right, take care Stuart.