This week on the Time Blaster Toy Cast, we're blasting back to 1980 something and talking all things STRANGER THINGS! So hop aboard the USS Butterscotch cause we're settling sail on a curiosity voyage and heading to Hawkins!
The Time Blaster Toy Cast is a nostalgic podcast about growing up in the 1980's & 1990's, with a specific focus on action figures, video games, junk food and retro geek stuff. Hosts Keith, Joe & Dave are your weekly tour guides as we travel back in time... when toys were cooler, movies were funnier, times were simpler & life in general was just MORE RAD!
Got a question, comment or idea for our show? Want to share a story of your own with us? The Time Blaster Toy Line is open 24/7!
Leave us a message or shoot over a text message at 734-494-2292
Follow us on Instagram: @timeblastertoys @theretroko @mathew_priest