Aug 02 2023 3 mins 6
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Generic Name
Insulin NPH
Trade Name
Humulin N, Novolin N
hyperglycemia with diabetes type 1 and 2, diabetic ketoacidosis
stimulates uptake of glucose into muscle and fat cells, inhibits production of glucose in the liver,
prevents breakdown of fat and protein
Route | Onset | Peak | Duration |
Subcutaneous | 1-2 hr | 4-12hr | 18-24hr |
Therapeutic Class
antidiabetics, hormones
Pharmacologic Class
Nursing Considerations
• assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia
• monitor body weight over time
• may cause decreased inorganic phosphates, potassium, and magnesium
• monitor blood sugars every 6 hours, monitor A1C every 3-6 months